Charlie is at the Cullens

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****Not Edited****

****Crystal's POV****

We were all stood waiting for the car to come this way. Suddenly we heard the car stop and the sirens were of. I grab on to Tom's hand and draged him to the sofa. We heard a knock at the door and Esme answered it. As  soon as the door opened I heard a very familiar voice.

"Hey Esme how are you today?"

"I'm fine thanks..." Before Esme could even finish I had let go of Tom's hand and had ran and gave him a hug screaming


"Hey Crystal. How have you been?"

"Good thanks."

"Billy said you moved in with the Cullens. He is missing you alot so I thought I would bring him to see you." When I looked over his shoulder I could see Billy in his wheel chair. I let go of Charlie and went and hugged Billy.When me and Esme ushered them both inside eveyone was llooking confused. Once everyone was in the same room I explained.

"You all look confused so I will explain. You all now what I am and my powers. Well whatv you don't now is my story. Well I was put on Earth before my parents by a vampire that made my mum pregnant. She gave me genes of every creature there is. She also gave me all powers. She wanted me to be a Cullen so She maed me born into that family. Wheb I was 60 years old I made myself look like a 6 year old and hid in the west. A woman nnamed Maria found ne and took me in. She realised I was not a human and made me traine her newborns. After 100 years I asked her if I could stop and leave. She said si lo desea which is if you wish in spanish. I told her I would go when sh found some one new. That is when she found Jasper. When she changed him I had to wait until he wakes up and then teach  him what to do."

"But I don't remember you there." Jasper interrupted.

"Yes well before I left I hid that perticular memory away because I  new youwould meat Alice. After I left I went to Italy and staied with Aro for a few hundred years. He is like a brother to me. He told me that if anything happened to him then I would take his place.not long after I wanted to travel so I told Aro and said I will stay in touch. I went to college and got a PHD as a Doctor. Then I worked in a mental hospital. There I met Alice. I told a friend of mine to change Alice and to run because of James. The same James that went after Bella. I then found Carsile and stayed with him for a bit. I helped him with his controle then worked in a hospital with him.  That's when he bit Edward and I ran. A few years ago I made myself look like a baby and grow at human spead. I was with a family who abused me. I hardly had any food and drink. When looked 3 years old I was forced to drink beer by my foster dad Phil. Once he thought I was drink he got a white hot aluninium rod and put it through my shoulder. It went through flesh. muscle and half way through my bone. When I looked  like a 4 year old on my birthday they kicked me out. That is when I came down to Billy. Him and Charlie were the only ones therer that day. When I nocked on the door Charlie answered it and asked what was wrong. I asked if Mr and Mrs Black were in. He said only Billy was and that I should come in. As soon as I walked through the door I saw Billy and ran to him. I had my back to Charlie so he saw my shoulder through the vest I was wearing. He asked what happened then I explaned the past 4 years to them while tears ran down my face and I held onto Billy for dear life. Once I finished explaining Jake came in with Selina his mum. As soon as they saw me Jake run up to me and asked what was wrog and hugged me. Selina was frozen to the spot. After about 5 minutes she unfroze and started to asked what had happened. She sat on a chair while Billy and Charlie started to explain and me and Jake sat on th sofa. Me sat on jakes lap crying into his shoulder. After about ten more minutes of me crying I drifted of to sleep. When I woke up I was still on Jakes lap with Billy and Charlie watching t.v, Jake watching me and soothing circles onto my back and Selina cooking some food. Jake was the firsth to notice I was awake and asked if I was ok. I nodded. Suddenly the t.v was turned of and Billy and Charlie was loooking at us. Billy said that they discusted what they would do with me and thjat I was going to stay with them. When I started school I would stay with them for a term then stay with Billy for a term. A year after on the 21st of January me and Selina were trapped by Hunters. While I was held back with a knife by my throat and was made to watch them torment her. I tried so hard to get to her and stop them but every time I moved they would stick the knife into my skin. That is how I got the scars on my neck. As soon as they killed her they locked me into a cage. Finaly i ascaped and ran back to Billy. After that I couldn't sleep and when I did it was only when I was curled up with Jake. I hardly eat or drank and I didn't talk to anyone." I explained.

By the time I had finished I was shaking with tears and so was Jake, Billy and Charlie. All of them could remember what I was like. I couldn't stand to see them upset and nor caould anyone else. Bella ran up to Charlie, Nessie ran to Jake and they ran to Billy and Tom rapped me into a hug.

****2 hours later****

"Esme this curry is amazing." I said.then there was a chorus off "yeahs" and "definutlys" from everyone else.

"Thank you."

"It is amazing how you can still cook even though you don't eat at all." Once we all had eatten we watched letters to Juliet. Edward was relieved that we didn't watch Romeo and Juliet again.

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