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one - yara

Sundays, oh I love Sundays, doing nothing just laying around watching movies, order junk food and sleep. No work, no school, no stress. Well that would be a Sunday for a normal girl, but not for me. I would be awake early in the morning because my parents are fighting or the dogs barks at the door.

Not today, today it was awfully quiet. I turned around in my bed and grabbed my phone. Again I had an anonymous text, it wasn’t anything big. Just someone wishing me a good day. Weird yes, but scary, no.

I walked over to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked over at the mirror and just admired my tattoos. Every tattoo on my body had a story, about me or about my loved ones. I was addicted to it, I loved the pain just the feeling it gave me.

When I was done showering I turned up my music. London Grammar sounded through my Bluetooth beats. I was dancing on the music and looking for some clothes to wear. It was cold outside so I decided to dress warm. outfit on the side.  I started on my make-up and hair, but there wasn’t much to do about it. My look was always natural.

When I was done I walked downstairs, I noticed that my dog wasn’t on his place and my parents car was gone. So I took a wild guess that they were at the forest. Walking over to the kitchen, I made my breakfast. Some muesli and a cup of Yorkshire Tea, just lovely and healthy.

I was scrolling through the pictures on my phone I came by a picture of me and my best friend. His name is Louis Tomlinson we’ve been friends since we were born, well I was born. Louis is a few years older than me, but our parents are friends with each other.

Louis moved to America like 3 years ago, he went to college. The first few months we talked like every day or night we could, but that faded after he got a girlfriend. Her name is Ellie, from what he told me she is very sweet and caring for him. I’m happy for him honestly, but I am sad that he let me fall. I guess I wasn’t that important.

Looking through our pictures, I started to cry. Gosh I miss that boy. He is like a brother to me and now he is gone, I guess. I wiped away the tears and walked to the garden. I’m a smoker, I know it is my worst habit, but I had a though life so it gave me some sort of rest. Blowing out the smoke I started to think what I was going to do today. Normally I would do nothing or go to the bookstore to read, but today I decided to go to Liam an old school friend of mine. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number.

“Hello?” he picked up the phone, but I think he was still sleeping.

“Hi old friend, did I wake you up?” I heard someone laugh on the other side.

“You know it is Sunday right?” he said.

“Yeah so?” and then I realised it, looking over to my watch it is 11:30 AM. I started to laugh, Liam and I made an arrangement that if we wanted to hang out on Sundays we had to call after 1:00 PM.

“I hear you know it again.” He laughed.

“Yeah sorry, forgetting things is my specialty, you know that. Well I call you back later than?”

“No no it’s okay, she was already gone at 10:00 AM.” I knew he had a smirk on his face.

“Gross Li, who was it this time?” We were always open about sex, because a year ago we were friends with benefits. Weird yes, bad oh no!

“You remember my old babysitter when I was 12, Saydie?” I nodded with sound. “Well I saw her at a bar, paid all her drinks and then she came home with me.” He chuckled.

“LIAM! She is like 10 years older than you are. That is even more disgusting.” It was silent, and then we both started laughing. I knew for sure that he forgot that she was that old.

“Well Yara, you don’t have anything to say I remember that time with…” I cut him off.

“Okay just shut, we agreed to never talk about it. We made a pinky promise.” I told him in my mother tone.

“Okay okay I’m sorry mom, but why did you call?”

“Well I thought maybe you wanted hang out today.” I said

“Yeah why not, it’s been ages. Say 1:00 PM at your house.” I nodded.

“See you then Lilly.” I laughed, that was his nickname back in high school.

“Funny, YarYar.” We hung up.

I placed myself on the couch and turned on the TV, I was watching some weird horror movie. A zombie who turns back to human again because of love. It was actually pretty funny. Suddenly the doorbell rang, I didn’t bother to look at the time because I knew Liam would get here earlier than he said. When I opened the door all I saw was a big bouquet of flowers. I was confused, this is not Liam. There was a card in the bouquet, I opened the card and started to read it.

There is nothing better than a best friend,

Unless it is a best friend with chocolate.

The flowers disappeared, but I was too scared to look up. I knew that quote, it was our quote, our motto. I looked up and there he was. My best friend, my brother and my rock Louis Tomlinson. Tears started to come, tears of happiness. I jumped in his arms, put my face in the crock of his neck. I could hear him snuffle. We both pulled away.

“Gosh idiot, I missed you so much.” I slapped his arm, he smiled. Then I took a better look at him, he changed. When he went to America he was all nerdy and now he is all rebel. He has tattoos up to his neck, he Has a lip piercing and no more glasses. My best friend was HOT!

We went inside, none of us started to talk we just look at each other.

“You look good.” We said at the same time, we laughed. Gosh I can’t believe he is sitting right in front of me.

“I can’t believe you are back.” I said, Louis grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“I can’t believe it either, wow you really changed since the last time I saw you.” He smiled.

“You too, where is my sweet nerdy best friend?” I said, his face changed it looked like he was thinking about something that has been bothering him. Then he pulled a smile on his face.

“Just wanted to show everyone who I really am.” I smiled at him, but still I had a strange feeling about the way he acted. What was going on ?

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