Chapter 41-42: Her Hindrance

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Chapter 41: HH [Part 1]

The emperor clears his throat, “Qin Yu, quick. Tell zhen .”  The emperor is already impatient from the curiosity.

“Actually, it is very simple.  Locusts are often associated with severe drought. After all, dry and warm areas are very crucial for their survival. The drought-stricken area ticked all the boxes to ensure their growth and breeding. This locust disaster is a type of disaster called derivatives disaster. They are triggered by the drought.”

“So it is like that…..”

But, knowing what it is does not necessarily means she knows how to stop it.  Mo Yun speaks out, “What did you said to Chen Tao?”

“I told him to collect frogs, toads, sparrows and others in large number to be taken to Heng City. Those animals are the natural enemies of locusts because they preyed on them.”

Feng Tian Qing is the first one to react, “So you told Chen Tao to release those animals if the locusts disaster takes place.”’

“Bingo!  That was exactly what happened! I didn’t tell everyone from the start because I wasn’t sure if the disaster will happen.  If the drought ends in time, the habitat of the locusts will be destroyed and they will not be able to breed.  As for those animals, even if they could not take care of the locusts, they can be eaten by the victims of the drought, bringing temporary relief.”

See how kind she is?  Giving all the credits to those animals. But still, she wasn’t the one who came up with this, so taking all the credits makes her heart a little uneasy.

Moreover, her popularity in the palace has soared lately, it rises even faster than the speed of light! She has no interest to take credit for this matter.

“But those animals’ habitats are in more humid place, it is not suitable to keep them for too long in Heng City.  It is better to keep them in the surrounding areas that are suitable them.  If things like these happen again, we can use them to prevent the disaster in time.”

The emperor looks at Lan Qin Yu in appreciation and satisfaction.

Now that there is someone like Lan Qin Yu in Qing Er’s side, his heart is put to ease. The empress has been talking about them these past few days. He originally thought it is too early, but now he wants it done as soon as possible.

When he made Feng Tian Qing stay the other day, he implied that he wants Lan Qin Yu by his side even though he didn’t downright admits that he likes her.  The emperor secretly wonders when the two will be open with their hearts.

Seeing the pleased expression on the emperor’s face, the entire mood in the Imperial Study turns bright. Feng Ji Lin is left glaring at Lan Qin Yu.

At this mment, Lan Qin Yu is too immersed in her own narcissism and didn’t notice the hateful glare she is receiving.

Chapter 42: HH [Part 2]

Feng Ji Lin’s palace,

Two black-clothed men are kneeling respectfully inside the chamber.  Their faces are covered with black clothes so one cannot see their appearance.  The only thing discernible from them are their eyes; which are filled with fear at the moment.

They are facing Feng Ji Lin’s back.  Even though they cannot see his expression, they can sense a murderous aura coming from him.

They are his secret guards and are also his assassins. They have seen a lot of blood spills; so many lives have been taken by their swords.  They are not afraid of dying, but they are afraid of Feng Ji Lin.

Even though he has not said or done anything, the atmosphere in the chamber is ice cold; it almost feels like an ice cellar.
The quieter Feng Ji Lin is, the more scared they become.  They cannot stop themselves from guessing what upset the eldest prince this much.

Feng Ji Lin suddenly strike the table behind him with his palm.  It breaks into tiny little pieces. The guards behind him trembles as they listen to his order “Investigate everything about Lan Qin Yu! Where she comes from, who her families are, the people she knows; dig everything out!”

“This subordinates received your order!” The two people doesn’t dare to linger; both of them disappears within the blink of an eye.

After a long time, Feng Ji Lin slowly turns around.  There is no trace of anger on his face. The only indicator of his mood at the moment is his fisted hands.

Lan Qin Yu….. His lips hatefully mutter the three words, his heart burning in anger.

He knows his Imperial Father thinks highly of Tian Qing.  He even has the plan to instate him as the heir, but there are a lot of differing opinions from the ministers so he hasn’t completely made his decisions yet.

That gives him the time to strengthen his own power and gather more officials by his side. He also plans to gather as many military seals as he can get.  He is sure, one day, his Imperial Father will change mind.

But now, this woman suddenly appears and solves all of his Imperial Father’s problems one by one. He can see it in his Imperial Father’s eyes; the trust for Tian Qing and the appreciation for Lan Qin Yu.

He is confident that Lan Qin Yu will become his biggest stumbling block one day, perhaps even bigger than Feng Tian Qing.

The empress has already brought forth the suggestion of making Lan Qin Yu a princess, a month ago!  This must have been her preparation to make her Feng Tian Qing’s wangfei one day!

He will not allow anyone to hinder him!  Never!

At this moment, Lan Qin Yu who is reclining on a soft couch while chatting with Feng Tian Qing suddenly feels a burst of chill. She covers herself with another robe before drinking the high grade Pu Er tea that came from Chi Lian.

None of them notice the danger that is slowly coming their way…….

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