Chapter 22-23: Playing Tricks on Consort Liu

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Chapter 22: PToCL [Part 1]

While Feng Tian Qing is in a bad mood after failing to find a certain person, Lan Qin Yu is already butting heads with other people.

“Move over! Don’t block my way!”

“Preposterous, which vulgar servant is this? How dare you act so impetuous in front of bengong ?” a lady wearing a gorgeous clothes points at the arrogant person in front of her while trembling in anger.

She has lived in the palace for so long, never before had she seen a servant who dares to utter such disrespectful words to her.  The girl in front of her is wearing such common clothes, her outfit is a little prettier than other maids, but it also does not indicate any outstanding status.  She actually dares to compete with her! She is angered to death!

“Vulgar servant? Bengong? Why don’t you take a good look at your own virtues in the mirror~”  She originally wanted to tell her to take a piss and do some self-reflection ( TN: 撒泡尿照照, a rude way to tell someone to make a self evaluation), but she decided to give her face.

What is the outfit the woman wears called?  If you say she’s wearing bright clothes, it’s bright to the point it can’t be any brighter.  So colorful it is not elegant at all!  In fact it was crass to death! Beauty? She has no idea how that woman originally looks, but after finished putting on her make up, her face looks like a ghost, to put it simple. Even a ghost will be frightened if they bumped into her.

“You— You— You—“ that woman is too angry to speak and can only repeats that.
Xiu Er who is beside her tells her that the woman is the eldest prince’s concubine, Consort Liu.

If it’s the eldest prince, then isn’t it Feng Tian Qing’s older brother?  This is his sister in law? Vomit . What kind of beauty standard is this? They actually made such an aesthetically unpleasing woman a consort? Those silks and rouge are wasted on her.  They must have been first-class goods ah!   Such a waste!  Lan Qin Yu eyes Consort Liu and shakes her head.

“Do you know who I am! I am the eldest prince’s consort!  You actually dare to be so rude to me!” Consort Liu says as she place her hand on her waist that is like a teapot. The servants seeing their mistress getting red-eyed, immediately vouch their support. “True! Our Consort Liu is the eldest prince’s beloved consort.  You people actually dared to be so presumptuous? Be careful for your heads!”

Xiu Er and Zi Er pulls on Qin Yu’s sleeves, discouraging her from challenging Consort Liu. Nothing good will come out of it.  But who is she?  She is Lan Qin Yu ah!  She hates arrogant and imperious people like this the most, how can she not fight her?

“The eldest prince? Beloved consort?  Is that such a great thing?   To say it simply, you are just a little concubine. How arrogant can you be for someone who came from a side-room~” Lan Qin Yu side eye Consort Liu while leisurely eating jadefruit that was just bestowed by the empress.  That little fruit is really delicious, it’s size is more or less similar to a cherry fruit, but without seed. It sweet and sour and juicy.  There was no such fruit in her original place.

Consort Liu sees Qin Yu taking the fruit from Xiu Er and look at her with her eyes wide open.  “You wretched servant!  Where did you steal this from? Other than the emperor and empress, only the princes can eat this valuable tribute! You—-“ even she has not tasted them, that maid actually has a whole plate!

Even the maids around Consort Yu eyes them in envy.  Lan Qin Yu not only eats them to her heart’s content, she will also time to time feed them to Xiu Er and Zi Er.  She deliberately did that after hearing Consort Yu’s words.  The maids cannot bear to see Zi Er and Xiu Er who are in the same position as them getting to eat such fine delicacy, so in the end, they try to steal it away.

Pa Pa .  The sound echoes, before the two maids who tried to steal it over even knows what was happening, their faces already stings.  Before long, red handprint appears on their cheeks.

Chapter 23: PToCL [Part 2]

What Qin Yu has been waiting for has happened. She was a good citizen in her time and had always wanted to try her hand in slapping others.  Her wish finally comes through!  Even though her hand aches, the feeling of slapping other people is actually great. Especially when done to people like these who depends on other’s affection to oppress another.  The only downside is she originally wanted to slap that Consort Liu as well, but she is only standing on the sideline, staring at them in surprise.

Consort Liu has long been angered to the point of no return!  She actually dares to hit her people in front of her!

“Somebody come!  Slap her mouth for me!”
The maids that had been hit by Lan Qin Yu does not dare to even move. Even the escorting guards does not move a single muscle. Consort Liu does not know who Lan Qin Yu is, but the guards do.  Even though they were not instructed to guard the great hall during the banquet, but their brothers who did told them everything. Moreover, a few days ago, they heard about the empress’ plan to make Lan Qin Yu the country’s very first princess.  Nobody who still wants to live would dare to mess with her.

Besides, Consort Liu’s arrogance is famous in the palace.  Even they, the guards have been continuously oppressed by her.  They had always wanted to let out some steam but considering their position, nobody dares to.   Now that there is a ‘princess’ to do the revenge for them, this is a wish come true!

“Somebody come!  Why aren’t you doing anything!”

Consort Liu looks at the guards who are standing in their position like statues, they did not even show the slightest notion of planning to do something!

Lan Qin Yu knows why the guards aren’t doing anything, but the three in front of her doesn’t. What a bunch of idiots!  Screaming and howling like that, such an inappropriate behavior for someone of her status!   The eldest prince already lost face because of her!

She continues eating her jadefruit and once she gets tired of standing, she leans into the fake mountain behind her while watching Consort Liu waving her hands to order the guards into action. In the end, after failing to order the guards, Consort Liu even put her feet into action to kick the guards in anger.

“Tsk tsk tsk.  Seriously! An esteemed prince’s consort is actually doing something that can embarrass the entire royal family!” Even Xiu Er and Zi Er shake their heads in the sideline. Consort Liu’s servants who noticed their mistress going into her crazy mood promptly forgets the pain in their cheeks and immediately block their mistress.

Lan Qin Yu laughs happily, these people truly knows how entertain her!  This is what we call a true play, even better than those comedy movies!

The play continues for about an hour, Consort Liu is tired and is out of breath. She fails to get people to hit Lan Qin Yu!  Seeing Lan Qin Yu’s leisurely countenance, she cannot breath and in the end collapse to the ground and faints.

Oh, but Lan Qin Yu hasn’t played enough though, how can she faints!

“So weak! I only provoke this little and you already faint? I didn’t even get to tell you my name!  So lame! Xiu Er, Zi Er, let’s go back!”

Seeing Consort Liu fainting, the guards are thankful to Lan Qin Yu to no end! Their tears almost fall! This counts as her letting off some steam for them! Lan Qin Yu on the other hand did not even glance at the person on the ground. Such a minor character deserves no more of her time. Wasted her precious time!

When she bumped into Consort Liu just now, she could tell she is a consort. That’s why she wanted to play with her, wanted to see the capabilities of consorts in this dynasty. Hustle and bustle for such a long time, in the end, the one she bumped into was just a flower vase.  Until the very end, she refused to lift her own hand.  She even fainted from her own anger!

She originally planned to act in the play like those in ‘War and Beauty’…..

Such a weakling.

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