A Tiny Stich: Scene Four

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Weeks passed and like a petulant two-year-old Melody ignored her father at every turn. The family recuperated the ignoring tendencies during supper time. Melody supposed it was because every time one brought up a question directed at her things grew awkward and tense. It could be rather depressing not talking to the family, but none seemed inclined to change it including herself. Melody pulled another stich of her knitting taunt around her needles as she knitted by the roaring fire. Two weeks had passed sense the initial shock of her papa's appearance, but no less fury and hurt boiled out of Melody's heart. The only thought she seemed able to create when thinking of the infuriating situation was, he had left. It was abandonment and Melody couldn't see past the hurt of being left by the one she loved the most.

Melody drove her other needle through the stich before driving it down creating a tiny hole in the yarn of her scarf. It was rather like her situation. Her father had seemed so small, a stich in her life, that she had forgotten to appreciate. Wrongly, she thought she had all the time in the world with him. Sadly, instead he went missing becoming a hole in the yarn of her life. Melody shook her head in slight exasperation. She was becoming daft with too much thought on the subject.

Her emerald eyes caught her brother Celeb standing from his spot on the floor by the hearth. Her knitting fell to her lap as her eyes followed his movements until she saw Keziah rushing into the private parlor right off the dinning room. His face was covered with soot and his normally neat blond hair was tousled all over his shoulders. Melody stood quickly not caring her knitting clanked to the ground and before she could motion a question Keziah's mouth opened and his hands painted.


Melody stood paralyzed as she watched all her family members stand in unison. Her gut dropped to her toes at the word, but she didn't let it stop her when the men started moving towards the door and Melody followed. She was grabbing her cloak when a hand touched her shoulder. Her body clenched. It was her father. His posture brooked no argument as he sighned.

"You're not coming,"

Melody turned not bothering to reply. Her father gripped her shoulders spinning her around to him.

"I can't have you killed in the fire because you are a reckless child," His jaw was clinched and his eyes hard, but with a hint of... was that fear? Melody shook it off. He just didn't want her to go because she was a female. Melody rolled her eyes and turned to Kez hoping she could use him as her back up force to fight against her father, but when she looked all she saw was the same hard determination the only difference was the eyes. His eyes begged her, and from where she stood Kez made one motion.


Melody's shoulders slumped for moment before she snapped her spine back in place. She turned towards her father.

"I will stay, but only for Kez not for you,"

Her father grinned leaned down and kissed her cheek before going to the door. Melody stood paralyzed from the motion. Was it possible her father still loved her? She shook her head, of course not, he had left her, that was his choice. Melody stomped back into the private parlor and fell back into her chair, time to wait.

Hours ticked by as the women sat, knitting or sewing also taking breaks to prepare hot tea if any of the men stopped by. Melody felt as though she were about to explode from anticipation. She hated not knowing what was going on when something could possibly change how she had to live.

Celeb came marching in with a triumphant look on his face.

"Fire has been conquered! The Manson's barn will never be the same and will need work after tonight, but it's salvageable... I think." His hands flew and his posture communicated deep pride in himself. Melody smiled, she was glad her brother was happy. Celeb sometimes struggled with his own confidence so to see him confident made her heart happy. Mathias ran up behind him his blond hair in spikes of soot. Mama stood and walked over to greet them, half-disgust and half-motherly-pride radiated from her features.

"You boys need a good hot bath, go find Sally and tell her that you need hot water. Carry it yourselves of course," Mother explained. As they were about to pass her, she signed.

"Where's Andrew?"

Pauline stood from her chair her face hopeful. Pauline had been soaking up their fathers love like a lost puppy.

"I thought he was back here," Celeb motioned, his posture tensing. Mama's face went ashen, but she smiled. One that looked like porcelain about to break. A sense of self-gloating spread through Melody's chest, he must have left with some men to celebrate. He was a vagabond after all. Mama flicked her hands in a motion of not to worry. The boys scampered out of the room or Mathias did while Celeb followed. She looked to Melody and Pauline trying to mask the worry in her eyes but failing miserably. Her hands shook as she motioned.

"Go get some rest girls. He'll be back by morning." She assured them. Melody had her doubts but didn't say anything just moseyed of to bed to get some much need rest. Melody yawned as she wandered upstairs and to her bed thinking how she had been right about her father all along.

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