An Ocean Wave: Scene Two

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In shock, Melody fell to her knees in a fury. The feelings were overwhelming, the sensations that flowed through her toppled her like a huge ocean wave. Andrew Burns didn't deserve to stand on the porch of that building... he, he had left, he hadn't been here. This must be a dream, but when she looked to Keziah, he appeared just as shocked. Melody's mouth fell. She was screaming. Not sure what to do, she continued screaming. In her mind she was sure her screaming would attract the attention from the town. Knowing, her mama wouldn't hear, but her siblings would, and they would come running. Melody looked at her hands which were shaking violently like a that of teacup enduring an earthquake. She lifted her head back to look at her father, he didn't move or try to quite her screams. Her mouth was open which meant she must be still be screaming. No, her father just stood grimacing as though knowing he deserved it. He was worthy of every bit of embarrassment she could bring him, from the corner of her eye she saw Kez moving towards her, and he picked her up by the armpits. He lifted her off the ground and he hauled her into the restaurant. Melody let him, she needed to get past her father and into the dining room. Swiftly, he set her in the closest chair. Then signed, "Be quiet," Rapidly, he turned away. Melody shut her mouth trying to quite the monster in her soul, thinking God must be laughing at her. Melody smoothed her skirt trying to stop the awful shaking that accompanied the fury and nerves. After all, her papa stood on the porch less than a hundred feet from her. Ultimately making Melody stare hard at the door wishing to burn it down, so she could see the awful man, called her father. However, in that moment her father slipped through the door. His posture was as rigid as a stone, but his face pleading for forgiveness. Fuming, Melody turned her face away not allowing him to look her in the eyes. He had been the one to do wrong, not her. She crossed her arms. Melody knew she was acting slightly childish... but... Melody stood up, uncrossed her arms. While walking her shoes gave the wooden boards below a good beating. Quickly, she marched across the room and stood in front of her father. They both stared at each other. It didn't last long because something caught his eye, and he stepped aside. Melody was counting that as a win. Her eyes trailed his movements. Seconds later, she saw her beautiful sister crumpled on the floor. She had tears streaming down her ivory cheeks. Her sister reminded Melody of a rose that was being slightly trampled. Reeling, her father caused great anguish and sorrow in their young lives. He crushed her strong sister- Pauline- and slithered hatred into her own heart. Melody felt self-righteous in her thoughts at that moment. She placed her hands on her hips in a triumphant stance. A warm hand touched her elbow while she looked back to see Kez standing there. He moved his hand from her elbow and motioned.

"Pauline is happy not sad," He explained. His body stood hunched in a way that almost made him look sad. Melody jumped back from him aghast... she couldn't be... happy? Papa had left them, abandoned them how could she be happy to see him?

Ten seconds later mama rushed in and already had glistening tears rolling down her weathered cheeks. Melody expected mama to run up to Papa and slap him in the face right where he deserved, but she didn't. Perplexed, Melody gasped when she saw her mother hug him instead. Pauline gracefully rose from the floor and joined the hug. Papa then looked to her his emerald eyes holding a question. Melody couldn't answer so she ran, dinner forgotten.

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