The Requests

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Your POV

You scrolled through you insta feed and checked out some dms you had gotten from fans.


You had gotten at least 50 other dms saying to preform a Hamilton song. This sparked you attention. Didn't Hamilton hit Broadway a month ago? I haven't seen it but I've heard it's amazing.... maybe I should. (Italics are your thoughts). You decided to make an Instagram story asking which song to sing.

Now you just had to wait for answers

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Now you just had to wait for answers.

WITHIN 15 MINUETS YOU GOT TO 100 REQUESTS!!! Jeez! I knew people liked it but I didn't know they liked it this much! You looked at all of the reply's.

Schuyler Sisters- 13
Helpless- 27
Satisfied- 29
Burn- 31

Looks like you were gonna sing Burn. You had to let your best friend F/N to help you film. They always helped you with your channel. You called them; Bold is your friend.

"Hey! So I found a new song to sing to I've never heard it but it's been requested 31 times soooooo yeah. Can you come over to listen to it and help film it?"


With that she hung up on you. You giggled to yourself a little. F/N was absolutely the best. And with promise, they were at your house in five minutes. You hugged each other and got to work. First they made you listen to like one thousand times, which you didn't mind. The song was amazing! You had your jaw dropped the whole time. (Also im sorry if im confusing you by called your friend "they", i didn't know if you have a girl-friend or boy-friend. SORRY!) You had easily caught on to the lyrics. "Okay So i love the song, but what do I do for the whole dancing thing? I know the fans want to hear me sing, but my channel is like a music video channel. Do I Dance or act or just sing?" You asked F/N slightly freaked out.

"Okay, so basically in this scene, Eliza is walking around and then burns some letters. So, I was thinking, during the opening music we video you lighting a match, and then a small clip of you setting some pre-made letters on fire and then dropping them and walked away. Then w'll record you singing in various spots, and in other places we could just get some fire shots or something like that. But today I say we get the recording done." F/N explained. You loved there idea! It sounded AMAZING! You both headed off to the room in your apartment where you had a recording studio. F/N found the music without Phillipa Soo singing, while you set yourself up in the (I don't know what to call the thing that you stand in while the people on the outside record you so imma just call it the sound room lol) sound room. They gave you the thumbs up when they started to play the music. Soon you heard the song through the headphones you were wearing.

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