Character Info

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Ey' this is character info.


Name: Adam Dahlberg

Hobbies: Fighting, and hanging out.

Adam is a nice guy that will help whenever he can. He also has a amulet that he wears everywhere.


Name: Mitchell Hughes

Hobbies: Shooting arrows, and fighting.

Mitch is a tough guy that will fight whenever asked to.


Name: Seto.

Hobbies: Doing sorcery, and being nice.

Seto is a sorcerer that will help out.

New Character:

Name: Bashur, Bash.

Age: 17

Hobbies: Hanging out with people, Adventuring, and playing around.

Bashur is a clumsy guy with a chunk of watermelon out of his head.


Name: Zach

Hobbies: Playing around with friends.

Zach is a funny guy that will make you laugh.

AND BAM, I didn't count NOOCH cuz that was just like 2 chapters. So there~

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