Chapter 1. Meet And Greet

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Adam was walking around in the Forest when he ran into Seto. (Yes Seto, If your reading this Kayla ((rarity_bosss)) then I should say I did this because of your SETO fan girly thing, what do you see in him?)



Adam and Seto talked some, when all of the sudden Zach (aviator gaming) walks up. He says "Hey guys". Adam then says "Hey Zach, what are you doing here?". All of the sudden someone falls down from the tree.



It's Jerome. "Jerome what are you doing?" Adam asks. "Taking a look at the view.". Jerome says. "Really? So you climbed to a tree to take a look at the view?" Adam then asks. Jerome says "Yes Adam. Why are you asking?". Adam says "Oh just cause normal mutation animal-humans don't climb trees to look at a view.".



Jerome looks at the sun going down. "Jerome what are you looking at?" Seto ask. Jerome says "We should get going.". "Where?" Seto ask.



"To the rest of the gang.". Adam had forgot about the rest. Quentin, Mitch, and Ian where at the camp grounds. Adam, Seto, Jerome, and Zach start walking to the campsite.


Hope you liked chapter one. Leave a like, hope you enjoyed.

~Zach (weird right?)

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