Chapter 8;

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When I woke up the next day, the whole house was a complete chaos. However, this time I let everything be the way it was and rushed to work. I couldn't be late, after all, I needed this job more than anything. My dad had yet to contact me and I was pretty sure that Zayn hadn't talked to his mother or my father either. Otherwise he would have mentioned it. I didn't want to ask him, though, I thought maybe he would redirect the anger he had towards my father, onto me.

Most likely, Zayn would probably ask me to pack my bags and leave as soon as I came from work. He hadn't really looked happy with me when he had stormed out of my room yesterday evening. And just like that had I returned the kiss. More than that... Oh God, what had I been thinking? Not really much apparently. That was the problem. Zayn had just smelled and tasted too good and I hadn't been able to restrain myself. Now the chances of me finding my belongings on the door step when I came back, were pretty high. At least now I had money to afford a hotel room.

I walked to the office entrance in my shorts and polo shirt. I needed to register and get the keys for the golf cart.

Darla was already there. I almost got the feeling that she lived here. Whether I came or went, she was always there. As delicate and bubbly as she was, she still had something of a battleaxe. When she snapped her orders, you wanted to salute. Right now she was looking angrily at an unfamiliar girl, raising a threatening index finger at her.

"Hands off the club members!" She yelled. "You signed the papers, Bethann, you know the rules! Mr Woods came in this morning and informed me that his father wasn't happy at all with this change of events. I only have three people for the beverage service. But if I can't be sure that you won't stop screwing the members, then I have to fire you. This is your last warning! Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Aunt Darla. I'm sorry," the girl murmured and nodded. She had long brown hair that was put in a ponytail. Her rack was really big and the baby blue polo shirt fitted her very tightly. Added to that she had long tan legs and a well-shaped butt. And she was Darla's niece. Interesting!

Darla's eyes fell on me and she sighed in relief. "Oh, Niall, good thing you're here! Maybe you can take care of my niece. Her job is on the line, because she can't keep her fingers from the club members during her shift. But we're not a brothel, we're a Country Club. She will drive with you the next week, and you will keep an eye on her. She shall learn from you. Mr Woods spoke very highly of you. He's really keen on your work and asked me to let you work in the club restaurant at least twice a week. As long as we're this short of staff, I can't afford firing Bethann." She said her niece's name with a growl, glaring at her.

The girl let her head down, ashamed. I felt bad for her. I was scared stiff to ever enrage Darla and be screamed at by her like that.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. She handed me the cart keys. I took them and waited for Bethann to come to me.

"Off you go! Don't just stand here and pout. I should be calling your daddy and telling him what you're up to here, but I can't bring myself to break his heart. Now out you go. And get a hold of yourself!" Darla pointed to the door. She didn't need to say twice. I scurried towards the door and down the stairs. I would prepare everything at the golf cart and wait for Bethann there.

"Hey, wait up!" The girl called after me. I stood still and watched how she walked my way. "Sorry, that was brutal. I wish you didn't have to listen to this."

"It's alright," I gave back.

"I'm called Bethy, by the way. Not Bethann. My dad calls me that and therefore Aunt Darla does too. So, you're the infamous Niall Horan from who I have already heard so much about!" I could tell from her tone that her words were well-meant.

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