Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I'm very aware Estonian people speak their own language, but I don't speak it and can't translate it, so I've written it all in English!

Dianne's PoV
We had no evidence that Heidi had sabotaged Britain and Canada, but we were allowed to request they not be backstage when we perform. Heidi looked extremely annoyed by this, further building my theory she was behind the whole thing.

Thankfully without Heidi's interference Australia won against Sweden, but as soon as we left the stage we ran back to try and figure out a plan to catch Heidi.

"Lightbulb," Caspar said suddenly. We all looked at him in anticipation. "South Africa won because of Heidi. If I went and thanked her, getting her hopefully on camera, she might admit to it."

"That's a long shot," I said. "And if she suspects something we're done."

"I'll make sure she doesn't," Caspar said. "What's Estonia's vice captain called?"

"Sofia?" Joe said.

"Yep!" Caspar grinned. "Okay, I've got a plan."

We helped him hide his phone so Heidi wouldn't see it, and then he set off to confront her. All we could do was wait.

Heidi's PoV
I was so annoyed. Sweden had lost against Australia because they'd made a complaint about not wanting other teams to watch them. What sort of stupidity was that? They had a huge audience watching them, what was one other team?

I was sat sulking in the cafeteria by myself. My team didn't know what I'd done for us to get here. Well, my vice captain knew, but she'd never tell anyone.

"Hey!" Caspar came and sat next to me. "Heidi! We both got through! To the SEMI-FINALS!"

He looked truly thrilled. I knew what I'd done had been for the best. "I know!" I said. "Finally we get a chance to shine instead of Britain and Canada. Shame Australia made it through really, but what can you do..."

"Yeah," Caspar shrugged. "We got rid of two though. And I wanted to thank you for helping us get there."

"Huh?" I asked. He couldn't possibly know. Was this a trap?

"Yeah, your vice captain, Sofia, told me you broke Briar's pointe shoe," he said. "I mean it was a bit of a dirty move, but it got them out the running which is all that really matters."

I narrowed my eyes. Sofia would never tell on me, would she? I suppose it was South Africa, a team we'd helped win.

"Yeah," I nodded. "It wasn't hard, I just had to push them a little so it'd break during her turns and she'd fall. What's better is it looked like a complete accident."

"Yeah, Sofia said that," Caspar laughed. "What did you do to win against Britain? She wouldn't tell me that for some reason."

"She wants people to believe we beat them fair and square," I said. "We didn't, we never could've. I shined a bright light in Zoe's eyes during one of her tumbles. It was a risk, but I timed it so it sort of looked like it was part of their lighting set. Literally nobody could've known. And now we're through!"

"We could win," Caspar said dreamily.

"Hell yeah we could," I nodded. "I have to get back to my team now, but good luck in the semis!"

"You too!" Caspar waved.

I was going back to Sofia. I couldn't believe she'd told Caspar when I specifically told her not to tell anyone. She just couldn't help but brag about it, could she now. Last time I trusted her, that's for sure.

Joe's PoV
Caspar ran back to us and showed us the surprisingly good quality footage. You could see her and hear her speaking, which was all the evidence we needed to go to the Internationals board.

"Come on," I said, grabbing Dianne's hand and gesturing for the others to follow.

We headed all the way to the Internationals board's office, and showed them the footage. Safe to say they were appalled.

"We'll go speak with them immediately," one lady said. "Briar and Joe, seeing as you're captains of the affected teams, it will be best for you to join us."

We both nodded, and followed her down the stairs.

Heidi's PoV
"Sofia," I slammed the door as I walked into our dressing room.

"Yes?" she responded.

"How could you tell Caspar what we did?" I glared at her. "He could've told anyone and got us disqualified!"

Sofia's face paled. "I didn't tell Caspar anything," she said quietly. "I don't know how he found out, but he set you up. What did you say?"

I suddenly felt sick. I knew it was a trick. I should've trusted my instincts but instead I told him everything. I walked right into his trap.
Just then, there was a knock at the door, and two of the Internationals board members walked in with Joe and Briar behind them. I instantly knew what was going to happen.

"What's going on?" our studio head put down her phone and walked up to them.

"We have video evidence of your team captain intentionally sabotaging Britain and Canada's performances earlier," a lady said. "Your team has hereby been disqualified from the entire competition, and we will not allow you to return next year either."

Our studio head gasped and turned to us. "You did not."

I hung my head in shame. I was so focused on winning, I hadn't thought about the consequences if this backfired. And it just had.

"You're off the team," she said flatly.

"What?!" I gasped. This could not be happening. Was she serious?!

She then turned to Joe and Briar. "I am so sorry, you two."

They nodded. I hated them. I'd just been kicked off my dance team. My dance team. All because I wanted to get us to the finals instead of continually losing to the same team. However, then I realised I'd still sort of completed my task. Sure, Britain would take our spot in the competition, but where would that leave Canada? It was them or South Africa, and either way someone's gonna be upset.

I know exactly how this is gonna pan out now and idk if y'all are gonna like it whoops. Also sorry for the late chapter, I've been sick and super busy recently! Also today I DIED because of the new Avengers: Endgame posters. The one of Loki had me crying. LOKI IS ALIVE AND NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE!

Sorry lmao, see ya next chapter - B x

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