Chapter 16

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Dianne's PoV
We kind of needed to rehearse for our small groups tomorrow, but seeing Katie's face was too funny not to continue with this prank. They all thought Joe and I were just friends and now thought he fancied Katie.

"What's our next move?" Joe asked me as we snuck away after Caspar left to go rehearse with his team.

"Well, Katie, Briar and Neil are pretty convinced you're into Katie," I said. "Caspar I think believes it and Zoe I don't know about."

"Nah, Neil spoke to Zoe and she's on the fence about it," Joe said. "I overheard them saying how I'd told both of them I liked you and how it seemed unlikely I could move on so fast, but how I liked you after basically a day anyway so it can't have taken much to get over you and even said Katie seemed like a good match for me. They're both unsure. Caspar is too gullible though, there's no way he thinks it's fake."

"Damn this is all falling apart because you liked me too damn much to keep your mouth shut," I rolled my eyes.

"Excuse me!" Joe said. "You like me too!"

"True, but I kept my mouth shut," I smiled. Joe rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"I love this prank though," he smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Same," I said. "But I should probably get going to rehearse my small group. I'm in this one."

"I'm not, but I need to supervise it," Joe said.

"See you later," I said, and kissed him goodbye.

He kissed me back. "Bye for now."

Katie's PoV
I KNEW IT! I'd been wandering around trying to find Dianne because we wanted to rehearse our small group for tomorrow, and who do I find her kissing? None other than Joe Sugg. They were dating, and had tried to trick us into thinking they weren't. I quickly ran and hid round the corner, pulling out my phone to text the group chat.

Katie: Project Joanne is STILL ON!!

Briar: wdym?

Katie: well, I go and look for Little Miss Buswell to rehearse our small group and I find her and Joe kissing. It wasn't an accident either because they had their arms around each other. They're dating, they pranked us.

Zoe: I BLOODY KNEW IT!! he's such a prankster and I KNEW he couldn't get over dianne that quick

Neil: i literally almost completely bought it i hate myself

Caspar: neil, i DID completely buy it, i feel like a right idiot right now

Briar: dw Casp, I fell for it too

Katie: two can play at this game though - let's pretend we actually believe them, next time Joe flirts with me, I flirt back

Zoe: this is literally Friends - they don't know that we know

Caspar: ffs we've already done this

Zoe: yep, and now we're doing it again! they don't know that we know they're pranking us. Let's keep it that way ;)

Briar: Milo is reading these messages and he 100% agrees with Zoe and wants in. Can I add him?

Neil: go for it

Katie: sure thing

Zoe: fine by me :)

Caspar: ofc

Briar added Milo

Milo: ayyyy this plan sounds absolutely fantastic

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