Chapter 7

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Dianne's PoV
"5, 6, cha cha bitch," I said, counting us in. I don't even know why. Joe had just said it earlier, not even counting in, and I loved it and it's stuck, so it's how we count in now. He told me it had something to do with RuPaul, but I barely recognised the name, let alone what he does.

"I love how that's how we count in now," Joe laughed. "Iconic."

"We're the best," I hummed in agreement.
It was Saturday, and we'd been rehearsing for about three hours, making everything solid, but then decided we needed something to really push this dance over the top. It was technically flawless if we got the steps right, very challenging choreography, had a storyline, had multiple different dance styles and included silks and a hoop, but there was just that something that was missing.

"What if we ask our friends to come advise us?" Joe asked. "One each though."

I nodded. "That sounds good, I'll go text Katie." He nodded, going over to his bag and picking up his own phone.

Dianne: hey katie kat, me and joe were wondering if you'd like to come down and watch our rehearsal? we need input. only u tho, we agreed 1 friend each. it's the 4th rehearsal room down from the main cafe x

Katie: omg ofc!! i'm literally in the cafe rn with andrew, we were about to go back!

Dianne: ah cool, come on then!

Katie: coming!!

I smiled and put my phone away, noticing Joe still had his in his hand.
"Katie can come," I smiled. "What about your friend?"

"Neil is typing out the longest reply I've ever seen," Joe looked a bit pissed off, which was amusing to me. "Oh wait, nope he replied! Jesus, wrote a fucking essay. Okay it says, 'hell yeah of course i would joe, can't wait to see you and you're future gi-.." He cut himself off, going bright red.

"Future girlfriend?" I asked in amusement. Was Katie right? Did he actually like me?

"Neil seems to ship us and think we'll end up together," Joe laughed awkwardly. "Don't let it throw you off or anything, just ignore him."

"Oh...okay," I said, coming off as more disappointed than I felt.

Katie then came bursting in through the door, four smoothies in her hands. "Thought I'd pick up smoothies for all of us. Didn't know what you'd all want so I just played it safe with strawberry and banana."

"Wow, thanks Katie," Joe laughed as she handed him one.

"Yeah, thanks Kate," I smiled at her. She really was a great friend.

"I've got another one for Joe's friend for when he arrives," Katie smiled, sitting herself down comfortable against the wall. "I can't wait to see this, honestly I can tell it's gonna be so good."

"Thanks," I laughed sheepishly. No pressure then.

"Hey Joe," a ginger haired kid who I assumed was Neil walked in. "Hey Dianne."

"This is for you," Katie handed him a smoothie.

"Oh!" he said, pretty surprised. "Thanks. So are we gonna watch this, yeah?"

"Yep!" I smiled, laying down my smoothie on the ground.

We performed the routine for them both, and although it still wasn't perfect, it was becoming something remarkable.

"Woah," Katie said in awe when we finished. "I didn't even know you could do some of the things you just did there."

"Neither," Neil said looking at Joe. "Dude you're way stronger than I thought you were, and more flexible too..."

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