Scene 8 - Eject me at 500 feet

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The angels have now found their formation in flight, Destiny, Symphony and Rhapsody. They fly well behind the SPJ.


You know, it will be great flying over France again, and maybe even catch a glance of Paris.


Rhapsody to Destiny Angel, exactly what are we looking for?


No idea Rhapsody.


It's only Captain Scarlet who really knows what he is looking for.


Angel Leader to SPJ, Captain Scarlet what exactly are we looking for?

Captain Scarlet:

It's rather complicated to explain Destiny, but I will do my best. We will have to enter a portal to travel to 1740, which is where the rose is.


Back in time?

Captain Scarlet:

Yes. You, the Angels and the SPJ will operate from the air to counteract the Mysterons. It seems that there are currently two of them.


What about you Paul?

Captain Scarlet:

I have a contact from the Village. I will radio now.


But how will we get into this portal?

Captain Scarlet:

I know I'm getting in for sure, I just hope the rest of you are will also.

Scarlet's shoulders light up another white colour, as he begins communicating with Belle's radio. She is locked up with her father.

Captain Scarlet to Belle.


Captain Scarlet! Where are you?

Captain Scarlet:

I'm on my way, and we know the situation now. Where are you?


My father and I are trapped, it's because they are going to try and kill this beast. And the rose, he has the rose! The rose is in the castle.

Captain Scarlet:

You know there is that man who likes you, and he has a small friend?



Captain Scarlet:

I regret to say that they are currently in the hands of the Mysterons.


But Scarlet, Gaston has organized a village mob to the castle. He is going to destroy the rose.

Captain Scarlet:


Captain Blue's radio swings down.

Captain Blue:

The Mysterons have found it Destiny. It's in a castle.

Captain Scarlet:

S.I.G Belle! Take over the controls Captain Blue.

The black wheel of the SPJ is handed over to Blue.

Captain Blue:

What are you planning?

Captain Scarlet:

I'm going down there, rescue Belle, and stop the Mysterons. The woman left me something down there I need to collect. You and the Angels will have to intercept the two agents. Eject me at 500 feet.

Captain Blue:

But Paul, you'll never make it.

Captain Scarlet:

I've got to make it!

The SPJ begins diving. They see the point where Scarlet first went through the portal.

Captain Blue:

There it is ahead.

Captain Scarlet:


Captain Blue:

Good luck Captain Scarlet.

Captain Scarlet pulls a red lever up, ejecting out of the SPJ, as the craft flies off. Spectrum's Number 1 floats downwards with a parachute, floating down into the portal – to 1740. He lands, and Belle sees him.


Captain Scarlet!

The trooper marches around a wooden hut, on duty protecting Belle and her father. When Scarlet lands, he charges over to the trooper. Belle is beginning to escape. A blue light flashes on his shoulder, as Scarlet's radio, swings down again.

Captain Scarlet:

Captain Scarlet, Spectrum. Require Vehicle A67 urgently!


Identification, please.

Scarlet shows his ID.

Captain Blue:

Captain Scarlet, what are you getting?

The door is opened – to an SPV.


Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons: Beauty Vs the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now