Im coming home

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Me and Colby are on our way home. We were talking about the babies and the wedding. It was a more calm ride home then it was on our way here. His dad didnt say anything to me so I didn't have to snap. We are in for a big surprise because Devyn said that they had everything set up and they had everyone already there waiting for us. They were suppose to jump out and say surprise or something. She kinda ruined the surprise for me but Colby is gonna be surprised.

Colby loved the surprise party. They had beer and I was so mad because they know I cant drink with the babies. Me and Kat sat on the staircase and we talked about the babies. I had pineapple juice instead of beer. The girls were the only sober people at the party. Brennen was drunk af and Colby was tipsy. After me and the girls were done talking me and xepher were downstairs getting food. Brennen walked up to me and said he needed to talk to me. He was falling every where. I put my arm under his and helped him upstairs. He stayed in colbys room for the night. I went back downstairs to find Colby. He was talking to Sam. They both had drinks in their hands and I took them and dumped them in the sink. Of course they were upset but I finally got them herded upstairs and into Sams room. They sat down on his bed. They looked like they needed water. I went downstairs and got lots of water I took some to Sam and Colby. Then took some water to brennen. I forgot what he needed to talk to me about. I reminded him and we started talking.
B= Brennen A= Abby

B= I wanted you to know that your the best and that I'm always here if you need me
A= thanks brennen
B= also since you've been away from Instagram for a while people have been commenting bad things
A= like what
B= that the babies aren't colbys and that your a slut and things like that
A= that's not true you know for a fact that they are colbys
B= I know but they've also said things about Colby
A= like what
B= that's hes cheated on you and hooked up with some other girl
A= that's not true either
B= I know but you need to be careful some of his fans are crazy and would do anything to be with him
A= if I lose my babies because of them then I'm going psycho bitch and hurting them
B= I wouldn't risk it bee
A= brennen I am not losing my babies because of the stress I'm gonna go get medicine for yall because if you go to sleep your gonna have a headache in the morning
B= thanks bee
A= your welcome and I like the new nickname
B= your welcome

I left the room and went to the store to get medicine because I knew we were out. In the car I started crying but I tried my best to keep it in. I couldn't though. I pulled over and layed my head on the steering wheel. I started crying. It hurt so much for the people to say those things about me and Colby. Eveyone knows its not true. Is it?
I tried to shake it off and tell myself it's ok. I got to the store and I could tell people noticed I was crying. I just ignored it and walked to the counter. I paid for it and went back to my truck. On my way home I got a text from Kat that Colby was talking about some weird things and Sam was trying to fight him. I told her I'm coming home as quick as I can.

I speeded back to the house and ran upstairs with the bag in my hands. I saw Colby up against the wall with Sam trying to hold him there. I asked Sam what's going on. He told me everything. I asked Colby if it was true. He admitted to it.

My heart ached.
My eyes were blurry.
My chest burned.
I was broken.
I wanted to cry and scream but I didnt know what to do other than to either run to an empty room and cry or to call Cole. I see went with both. I ran to Aaron's room and buddy ran to me and laying my lap. I called Cole and he said he'd be here soon. 1 by 1 my friends came in and comforted me. I didnt want to worry too much because I didn't want to hurt the baby. When Cole got there everyone cleared the room except Aaron because he knew he could help just as much as Cole. The boys comforted me and calmed me down I told them the party was over and that everyone needed to leave.
After everyone was gone I went downstairs to talk to Sam. He explained when, why, and who. I was so angry but upset. My baby knew there was something wrong and I went to the 24 pee pee room and threw up. Sam held me hair back and rubbed my back. If only Colby was this sweet. If only Colby was this loyal. I'm not saying I would date Sam but I mean jes helped me more than Colby. I'm probably gonna stay with Kat after this. Just to make colby realize what hes done I'm not answering him at all for 5 days. He can suck it up.

After I talked to Sam I packed somethings for Kats and said I'd my goodbyes to everyone. Kat asked if I was ready to go. I said yeah and we got in her car and drove to her apartment. No one is telling Colby where I'm at so he can suffer even more. Me and Kat got to her apartment and watched movies all night us being girls we slept in the same bed reason number one I'm still upset reason number two she has a nice bed and reason number three we are best friends so we can sleep in the same bed.

/the next morning/
I really didnt want to leave I missed Damien my puppy and I missed uncle Elton. I woke up to Kat jumping saying she was taking me out. I asked where and she said we are taking you to shea. I immediately got up and got dressed. We were meeting at a restaurant. I smiled because I knew it was Tender Greens. When I got there Kat pointed to a booth with a girl in it. "That's shea" she said. I nodded my head and walked to the booth sitting down beside shea. She looked at me and frowned. This was our conversation.

S= Shea  A= Abby

S= are you abby
A= yeah
S= I'm sorry he didn't tell me you and him were dating I didnt even know you existed
A= it's fine me and him are taking a break
S= oh how I really feel bad I ruined a relationship
A= Shea it wasn't your fault I promise it was his dumbass idea
S= thank you *hugs abby*
A= *hugs shea back*
S= you seem really nice why did he cheat on you
A= because he thought I was cheating on him when I wasnt
S= ouch
A= yeah
S= do you want any food
A= sure but we can split the bill
S= sounds good

We figured out what we wanted to eat. The waiter came around and took our order and asked for our drinks shea said champagne for all of us. I said I cant I told them lemonade. After they left shea asked "why cant you have champagne". "I have to look out for my babies" I replied. Her face had the look of shock and she had wide eyes. She half yelled "Your pregnant". "Yeah".
"Right after this we are going baby shopping". "Ok".

Right after we ate and talked we got in our cars and drove to baby's-r-us and shea helped me pick out some outfits for both the babies. She even helped me pick out some cute twin names.


All the names are great and I chose Samuel because Sam is colbys best friend and my best friends boyfriend and my children's uncle. Me and shea bonded and so I asked her if she wanted payback on Colby and go with me to get dresses she was going to be 9ne of my brides maids. She agreed so we staged a little prank. I'm gonna make it look like I killed myself and I'm even gonna write a suicide note to make it look real. I'm gonna go to the Trap house and everyone is gonna be in the living room. Corey, Devyn, and Kat are gonna fake cry. Aaron is gonna hold buddy with a blank expression and Sam's gonna have a mad look on his face. Me and Shea are gonna hide cameras around the house. Devyn is gonna hand Colby a note that says I killed myself (fake) and I'm gonna hide in the 24 pee pee room waiting to jump out. I'm basically starting a prank wars. Hes probably gonna be mad at me and sad at the same time but I dont care he deserves it.

Short chapter but if I put the prank in here already it just won't make ant sense for me so the next chapter is the day of the prank. Bye xoxo jasy... This story is on hold

Adopted by Corey Scherer and Devyn Lundy (Colby × Abigail)Where stories live. Discover now