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Skylight Academy, After School

Mikuna's POV:

I or all of us wait for (Y/N)'s class to end because they end later than us today, surprisingly. "I feel happy." Tasuku say all of a sudden as the others give him a odd glance, "because of (Y/N)'s achievement today?" I asks knowing the answer already before he even nod. "She looks happy today. And she talk to all of us too." Ann stated and we only nod at her words. "It's thanks to Haru and Goro." I say making everyone look at me, "why do you call him Goro while the others call him Akechi?" Minako asks and I only shrug.

"Finally!" Junpei groan as the others walk out, "sorry to keep you all waiting." Haru say and I just nod as I notice Fuuka and Minako going up to talk to (Y/N). She seem fine to be talking to them now, "so~ what do you think?" Akechi asks smiling, "not bad and I will give it to you for that." I say walking away from him, "bro you seem to be awfully quiet." Ryuji says to Akira causing him to gasp slightly before shaking his head. "Woof!" Koromaru barked and Aeigis translate, "Koro-Chan is urging us to go Ueno." I chuckle and nodded, "let's go then." I say. Everyone agrees to it and all of us took the train to Ueno.

I lean on the side as I hold up a book with one hand, "what book is that?" Makoto asks and without looking up I show her the side of the book. "I see. It's a pretty good book I must admit." She say and I just give a nod. I heard footsteps and it's walking towards my direction and suddenly it stops, I glance up to see a yellow eyes looking at me, "..." I stare at that pair of yellow eyes for a few seconds before breaking eyes contact. His uniform shows that he is from Skyline Academy too, "is there something wrong Tsurumaru-San?" He looks surprise for a moment and soon a smirk rises on his face. "Oh? So our Student Council President knows me?" He asks mischief filled in his word, "I know every student so no shock." I say as he chuckle, "how interesting. See you soon the miss President." He say getting off at one of the stops, an irk mark appears on my head as I sigh.

"Who is that Mikuna-Chan?" (Y/N) asks me and I stated, "B Class Tsurumaru Kunnaga." Tasuku looks at me shock, "the famous mischief maker of the class?" I nodded, "he is quite troublesome..." I say and sighing once again, "is that what the Student Council President have to do?" Yukari asks with a troubled face, "for us yes. For most probably not." Tasuku say, "Tasuku-Kun is apart of the Student Council too but he is the Sergeant-at-Arms." (Y/N) stated with a smile. "Wow it is quite rare to see a Sergeant-at-Arms. Since the Student Council is always lacking or have just the right amount." Makoto says and Mitsuru agrees to it. "Well since our students are consider intelligent and diligent along with the other traits the student council is supose to have so..." I explained.

Ueno Train Station, Afternoon

Your POV:

The moment we reach Ueno we all get off and walk out. "We are here... What do you all want to do?" Mikuna asks focusing on something, "let's go there first." Akira suggested pointing towards the shop Mikuna is focusing on. "Because I look towards that direction?" She questioned and I shake my head, "I wanted to go there too." I make an excused, although she raised her eyebrow but we all still went either way. 

"This place looks magnificent." Yusuke stated and look around the shop eyes-sparkling. "This place is quite beautiful." Aegis stated and Ken jump towards a section, "there is Phoenix Ranger Featherman R's limited edition set!" Ken exclaimed and that seem to caught Futaba's interest as she rush there asking "where?!" I saw Mikuna walks over there calmly, "limited edition set? Didn't this came out for awhile now?" Mikuna questioned putting a finger on her chin, "huh?!" Ken and Futaba face her and Mikuna states, "oh right. I forgot it is limited edition at your place but it's normal here. Now that I think about it... Miss Urama pass me 2 limited edition set but I have no use for it too..." Then Ken and Futaba looks at Mikuna eyes-shining, "I will pass it to the two of you when we reach back for now let's get this." Mikuna say getting two set of the figures.

"Sis! Look here!" Tasuku called out as the rest including me look at them curiously but they talk in such secretive way, "oh here is it." Mikuna say getting a box and smiling, "knew we could find it here." Tasuku stated with his usual smile, "find what?" I asks and Tasuku smiled mysteriously at me putting a finger at his lips. "How mysterious." Yukari say and Junpei groans, "Tasuku-Senpai can you stop being so handsome? You are stealing all the girls away." Tasuku tilts his head to the side as Junpei groan once more. 

After an hour of being in that huge shop, "phew that is a satisfying hour of walk." Makoto says smiling and thinking to herself, "Shinji?" Mikuna called out and walk towards Akihiko and Shinjiro. "Sis~" Tasuku whined probably because Mikuna 'abandon' him. "(Y/N)-Chan let's walk together." Haru say grinning as I nod showing a small grin before walking with her. "Tasuku shut up!" Mikuna yelled annoyed with his whine as Haru and I giggles, "Koro-Chan let's go there!" Ken said happily as everyone just happily chat and plays around. "I love how everyone is so relaxed and happy now I hope it remains this way." I say as Haru just agrees to it, "are you free on this Saturday? We could go study together." Haru asks, "I am pretty free. Where do you want to go?" I asks back and Haru smiled sweetly, "well since our whole group is so noisy we could go to our dorm and study with the rests. Plus with our noisy group the Liberian will kick us out." I sweat-drop yet agreed to her words. "But yet having such a lively group isn't such a bad thing too." I say and Akechi walks towards us. "What are you ladies talking about?" He asks and Haru told him about our plan while he nods, "good to know all of you are so hard-working." Akechi says. We all chat happily as we make our way around and shops everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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