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Mary had to leave the next day, so I was alone again. Over the days the baby grew quickly. I had kept not in my book. April looked it and always talked to the baby. It was about a week after Mary left before I was excited. The 2nd of April. I sneak into Aprils room and hit two pans together. April shot up and looked around.

"Mummy?" She asked.

"Happy birthday April." Yeah her names April. Her birthday is April. I'm not good with names.

"Yay! It's my birthday!" She cheered. Me and Aro had planned a tiny party. We had even invited the Cullen's so April could see Renesmee again. They where currently in the court room. I helped April get dressed before we walked down the stairs and to the court room.

"Daddy! I'm 6 now!" She yelled before squealing and running over to Renesmee and Edward. She looked at me and Caius and jumped up and down. "Daddy! Look its Renesmee!" Caius chuckled and I smiled at her.

"Yes April. Were having a ball for you. You and Renesmee are going to get pretty dresses." Aro smiled. "Jane and Alec will go with you."

"So will Bella." Edward said quickly. "She needs a dress."

"Ah yes, alright. Bella will be joining." April cheered and ran over and hugged me gently.

"Have fun sweet heart." I smiled.

"Why don't you come?" She asked.

"Carlisle's going to come and see if the babies okay." I smiled. "So you go have fun and I'll tell you about the baby when you get back."

"Okay mummy. Daddy are you going to Doctor Carlisle too?" He nodded and kissed her head before handing her a blue card.

"You can buy any dress, shoes, hair things or jewellery. Anything you like." She smiled and took the card before turning to Jane. "She has a 20,000 limit." Jane nodded and took April and the others.

"We set up a small room for Carlisle to examine you and help you give birth. It's in the East wing. He's there waiting whenever your ready." Marcus said and I nodded. Caius guided me out the room. On the way to Carlisle we stopped off at the kitchen so I could get a large glass of blood. This child was exhorting. We reached the room and Caius knocked before pushing the door open. Carlisle sat there reading when he looked up at us.

"Hello Eaven. I haven't seen you in 4 months and then I heard your pregnant. Congratulations are in order. How are you?" He asked as he motioned me to lay on the medical bed.

"I'm good. Tiered and always hungry but I'm good. How is everyone?" I asked as I climbed onto the bed.

"There good. Jacobs currently sulking in his room because he wasn't allowed to go with Renesmee this morning." I giggled as Caius sat on the seat next to me and held my hand. "Well how many weeks had it been since you had sex?"

"5 weeks." Caius answered. Carlisle pulled out a small black book.

"Okay. 12cm." He mumbled before getting a small fabric tap measure. He put one side on my hip and measured my bump. He looked at the other side and frowned his eye brows. "19cm."

"What's wrong with that?" Caius said.

"Your bigger than Bella was at 5 weeks. How fast does a Banshee stay pregnant for normally?" He asked.

"Same as a human. Some times we can be a month early but a human can be too." I explain.

"I think this pregnancy may be a little quicker. Bella had her baby within 15 weeks. Your on your 5th week now so your baby will have a heart beet-"

"I already know. Caius constantly listens to it." I smiled. Carlisle turns to the large computer screen and grabbed a small remote looking object.

"I'm going to try and see if I can get a look at the baby, if that's okay?" I nodded and Carlisle squeezes a cold jelly on my belly before clicking a button on the screen, turning it on. He put the remote thingy on my belly and rolled it around. He looked at the scream the hole time and clicked a couple buttons before I saw it. The small faded outline of my baby. I squeezed Caius's hand and smiled. I saw movement in the side and Carlisle frowned moving the remote.

"What?" I asked panicking slightly. Then he clicked a bitten and I was speechless. There were two outlines of two different babies.

"Congratulations. You have twins." I didn't know what to say. "Has this ever happened before?"

"No." I smiled. Caius kissed my head.

"Well now I got a good look at them. Do you want to know the genders?" He asked.

"I know there girls but sure." Smiled still amazed at the fact I was having two babies.

"Well-" Carlisle froze but clicked a button and moved the remote around. Then he chuckled to himself. "Well Eaven. Your the first Banshee to be carrying twin boys." I shot up and looked at the screen. "Congratulations." Carlisle showed me the frozen picture of the two babies and handed me some tissue to while off the jelly on my belly. "I'll print this off so you can show the others." I nodded and he left the room.

"Boys." I smiled. Caius sat next to me and kissed me.

"I don't think I have ever been this happy before." I smiled and he helped me up. "That's why your bigger than Bella was." I nodded and Carlisle came back holding out the tiny picture. He had printed a couple copy's.

"You wait till my sisters find out." I giggled and he just smiled kissing my head. "April will be so happy."

"Does this count as her birthday present?" I shook my head. "So we still have to go out and buy her something?"

"Don't worry. Just buy her something shiny and pink. All little girls like that stuff. Well Renesmee does." Carlisle said and Caius frowned.

"The quicker we go the quicker we'll be back." He nodded and we left. I thanked Carlisle and we walked back to our room.

"Let me get ready and we'll leave." I nodded and he grabbed some cloths before going to the bathroom. I walked to the sofa and sat down seeing a letter for me. I opened it and smiled.

Dear Eaven

Mary has told me the news. I'm happy for you baby sister. I'm sure my new niece will be adorable. We will have to throw you a baby shower soon. April must be thrilled with the idea of having a sister. I know things were strange while I visited but I do apologise. I know you worry about April a lot because she's part human. Do not worry so much. She's a strong girl and can take care of herself. James and the kids say congratulations and wish to meet the new member of the family as soon as they can. James also wishes to meet Caius. I think he just wants to show he's not like other werewolves. Oh and the girls are fine. Holly broke her arm and Margret sprained her ankle. Nothing too bad.
I hope to see you soon

I grabbed some paper and began to write.

Dear Caitlin
I'm glad to know the girls are okay. I worried at first when you said they were injured. I will have to speak to Caius about meeting James. I'm sure I can convince him though. I just had an appointment with a doctor. I had a scan done too. I'm happy to say I'm having twin boys. I'm more than happy right now. My pregnancy is like a  the vampire-human hybrid pregnancy I told you about. I will have the babies in 10 weeks. I already have a bump. I'm about the size I was when I had April. But then again she was a tiny baby. Give the kids a hug from me.
I'll write soon

I write out a similar one for Mary and put them into envelopes and slipped in a picture of the scan too. I smiled as I looked up as saw Caius sat there.
"How long have you been sat there?" I asked.
"About 5 minutes. You seemed happy and content so I thought I would leave you be." He said and got up, helping me to my feet. "Are you ready?" I nodded and grabbed the letters I needed to post. We walked through the halls and to the back exit. We got into a car and Felix drove off. We went to a couple shops and brought a couple things before heading home to set up for the ball.

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