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"In 1984 BC I was born. I was human. I was born into a family with 4 other girls. When I was 19 I fell for a man. He was a very kind and sweet man. He brought me gifts and took me out to many wonderful places. But I wasn't the only one. He had tricked me and my sisters into being in a secret relationship with him. When we all found out we were heart broken. It was not just our family. He had been seeing many different women. My sisters went...insane." I frowned remembering my older sisters. "They tied him up and used him as a sacrifice."

"Sacrifice for what?" Bella asked.

"My oldest sister had heard from a woman in town of a ritual to prevent you from being heartbroken ever again. The thing is, out of all my sisters, I was the only one still...pure. So I had to spite his throat. And I did." I sigh.

"You wanted revenge for your sisters. More than for yourself." Edward said. I nodded.

"I had been upset but my sisters gave him there virginity. They gave him anything he asked for. They sobbed and screamed once they knew the truth." I looked around. "I remember the circle around us lite on fire and we was all in pain. Every part hurt. Like all our bones were breaking and repairing themselves. Technically they where. We woke up and we was different. The second oldest died because we didn't know about the food we needed. We did attempt to eat from animals but we got sick quickly, so we had to eat humans. Soon my oldest sister found the witch who tricked us but she laughed. She said we got what we deserved. Said we would only be able to become even slightly more human when we loved again. Since our hearts no longer beat it was hard. Pulse we killed people. We killed her before she did what she did to us, to someone else. Then we burned down everything. All her spells and rituals. We didn't want someone accidentally finding this stuff and doing God only knows."

"So your one of the fist Banshee's?" Esme asked. I nodded.

"What happened after you killed the woman?" Ben asked.

"We knew we couldn't stay together. We would draw too much attention." I said. "So we scattered across the world. My oldiest sister Mary live in Russia. My other sister Caitlin live in Switzerland and the second youngest of us, Elizabeth lives in England. They all have children that are Banshee's. But only half. My sister in Switzerland is married to a werewolf. My sister in Russia is married to a Shifter. He turns into a cheater or tiger. I don't really know. My sister in England is actually single. She adopts. I did live in Ireland." I frowned. "But I was found and...."

"Enough." Vladimir's hand landed on my shoulder.

"What?" Kate asked.

"When I was found I was tied, gagged, beaten and raped." I said through my teeth.

"Oh my." Esme frowned hugging Carlisle's chest.

"Where is Aprils dad?" Rosalie asked.

"After I was raped I hunted them down and killed them. So he's dead." I said and it seemed to click in there heads.

"Mummy!" I looked up and smiled as April ran over giggling, with Stefan chasing her. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around April and held her close. "No! He'll get me!" She laughed as Stefan ticked her. He stopped and she looked at the others around us.

"What's going on? Story?" She asked.

"Something like that." I smiled.

"Yay can I listen." She asked.

"Okay. Why doesn't someone else tell a story?" I asked as Renesmee bounced over and Edward held her in his lap.

"Ooo. I got a good story. The time I catches a mountain lion for the first time." Emmett smiled.

"You caught a mountain lion?" April frowned. I quickly shook my head. "That poor kitty."

"Banshee's are very loving towards animals." I whisper low enough for the vampires to hear.

"Oh no I just...um...played with it. Please don't be sad." Emmett worried and April looked up with teary eyes.

"What did you play?" She asked.


"Catch." Edward said quickly.

"Okay baby I think you should get some sleep." I smiled

"But we don't sleep." She pouted.

"No we do just not as much and I know you was up last night." I said and she glared at Stefan.

"You said you wouldn't tell!" She yelled. Esme giggled.

"We have a room inside she can us to sleep." I nodded and nudged April to follow Esme. I followed them inside and passed other around me and up to the room with a small bed inside. I saw our bags. I guess Vlad brought them up here. I pulled out a sleep shirt and shorts before helping her change. I tucked her into bed. I kissed her head as she fell asleep. I put her cloths on top of her bag before leaving the room. I walked back downstairs.

"Hey." I looked over and smiling.

"Oh hello Bella." I said walking with her outside.

"What you said...you described a Wendigo. Or at least what people think a Wendigo is." I giggled and nodded.

"Yes you see. Caitlin married a werewolf and had children with him. During a full moon they transform and they become man eating maniacs. There scream was not as awful as mine or there mothers. They got our teeth and claws thought. But they got most of there traits from there father. They were named Wendigo by there father. They first transformed on the first full moon after there 18th birthday and could change at will after that." I smiled.

"So is it true about a Banshee scream?" She asked and I laughed while nodding.

"Yes. If I wanted too I could scream now and kill most of the vampires here." I said and she looked surprised. "But enough talking about that. I want to know what exactly I'm up agents."

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