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During the flight to Romania April coloured and slept. I talked with Stefan while Vladimir and Caius was silently pouting.

"What are you two pouting about?" I asked.

"We would have been fine being apart for a little while." Caius frowned. "I shouldn't have to come to Romania. Especially after what they did to the Volturi." He growled at my two Coven brothers.

"Caius I see the two as brothers. We will get along better if you could at least act civilised with one another." I said and he growled.

"Mummy." I looked to April who was rubbing her eyes. "I'm hungry." She said. I slowly got up and walked to a flight attendant and asked for a sandwich. She quickly made a ham and cheese sandwich. I took the food and hurried over to April. I hand her the sandwich and sat back down.

"I thought you Banshees ate people." Demetri said.

"April is half human. She can live off both human food and humans. She needs to feed on humans at least once a week." I explain as April devoured the sandwich quickly.

"Do you feel better now, dragă?"(sweetheart) Stefan asked.

"Yep." She smiled. She looked over to Caius and waved. "Your mummy's mate, right?"

"Yes." Caius said.

"Does that mean you will get married and be my daddy?" She asked and my eyes went red.

"April." I hiss and she giggled.

"That won't happen for a long time." Caius said and I looked at him.

"You seem very sure about that." I said and he just grinned.


After we had landed we walked to the castle. It was cloudy and we didn't have to worry about being seen. Once we arrived April giggled and pulled Alec with her.

"Come in. I want to show you my bunnies." During the rest of the flight April seemed to like talking with Alec. I guess it's because he was turned so young. It's the closest she would get to playing with another child. I smiled as April pulled Alec into the back garden. I walked upstairs and walked into my room. I went straight to my bookshelf and pulled out books I had written about my own kind and my sisters children. I had also included chapters about April since she was a Banshee-human hybrid. I smiled as I put them into the first box. I smiled as I pulled a shoe box out from under my bed and opened it showing photos of my sisters and their families. Very old family heirlooms. A old locket that belonged to my mother and a ring that belonged to my father. I smiled as I placed them into the box as well. I wouldn't need to take cloths I can easily buy more. I should hunt before we go. I picked up the box and took it down the stairs. I placed it near the front door. I went back up to Aprils room and grabbed photo albums and other things that couldn't be replaced. I placed that box with mine and went outside where the others where. Well I guessed Vladimir and Stefan where still packing. April was sat on the floor with Alec playing with the bunnies while Demetri took photos on his phone and Caius sat there holding a small white bunny.

"April I need to go hunting before we leave tonight. Behave and don't wonder off." She nodded happily before going back to playing with bunnies and Alec. I smiled and walked out the garden and going into the woods around our home. I took a deep breath and smelt it. The dark red line showing me the way. I followed it and soon found a young girl. I saw her pulling a needle out her arm and she giggled to herself looking around. I growled and attacked. I ripped into her chest and pulled out her heart. I sniffed it and frowned.

"Disgusting." I said and dropped the heart. "Don't humans know drugs and alcohol effect the taste." I looked around and saw a wolf pack. I whistled and they growled looking over I threw them the heart and they ripped it apart, eating it quickly. Then I backed away showing that I was offering the body to them. The gladly ran to it, eating quickly. I sniffed the air before I walked off looking for a decent meal. Soon I came across a young boy. He had to be no older than 20. I hurried over and ripped out his heart. I sniffed it. "Finally." I quickly eat it and looked around. "I know your there." I said. Soon Caius stepped out and I rolled my eyes. "I thought you said we could last being apart for a while." I said finishing my meal.

"I was wrong." He groaned and walked over. "Your a messy eater."

"You rip out a heart and eat it. If you stay clean I'll do whatever you want but it's impossible." I said. "Why did you follow me?"

"The mating pull got to me. But also I wanted to see you hunt. It was quite fun to watch." He grinned.

"Come on. I need to get home and change before we leave." I say before I rip out the guys lungs and kidneys. We walked back to the house and I go to the kitchen to grab a plate. I put the kings and kidneys on it.

"April!" I called out and she piped her head inside. "Come eat while I get changed. We'll be leaving in a couple hours." She nodded and I smiled. She sat at the table and ate. Demetri and Alec watched her intently.

I walked upstairs and went to my room. I pulled out some cloths before going to the bathroom and having a shower to wash the blood off my skin. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me. I brushed my teeth and walked back to my bedroom. I shut the door and went to go over to my cloth, jumping when I saw Caius. I gripped the towel tightly.

"I'm sorry Eaven." He said but was smirking.

"Caius! Get out!" I yelled. Then a Vladimir and Stefan stormed in ready to attack. Caius growled and stepped in front of me, so that they didn't see me in just a towel.

"What are you doing storming into a ladies room!?" Caius yelled.

"What are you doing in Eaven's room!?" Vlad asked.

"Just all of you get out!" I yelled and shoved them all out, slamming the door shut. I sigh as I quickly got dressed and dried my hair, before tying it into a high ponytail.

 I sigh as I quickly got dressed and dried my hair, before tying it into a high ponytail

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