Chapter 4

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holy SHOOT you guys, hows it been??? lol ive been gone and away from this story for a very long time, but i'm back

bring it on, britney

lmao okokok ; enjoy chap 4

- unedited -

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"And down this hallway is where you will be sleeping at," Alexa says, as I follow her steps down the large and wide hallway. There were an equal amount of Victorian paintings on each side of the wall, which made the corridor look just as -if not- fancier than the actual settings in the paintings.

Guessing the tour was coming to an end, I internally thank the heavens for the stop. As beautiful and extravagant this house is, to simply walk around and visit every room is just exhausting. Alexa was kind enough to say a brief and short introductory every time we went inside of a leeway and secret stairs that only employees and members in the house know. There were still a few rooms to visit, but I guess my sighing was just as loud as it was in my head because she gave me a an amusing look, and decided to just give me a mini map of the house. She disclosed how she felt the same way when it was her first day, and that I could take a walk around the house whenever I want to on my free time. But she obviously needed to show me my room which was to be shown at the end of the tour, and here we are know.

We stopped in front of a larger-than-normal white door that had carvings all over it. On the doorknob was a door tag that hung over it and reads 'In use'. Curiously wondering if every door has a tag, I moved my eyes behind Alexa and towards the other doors that were down the hallway. My question was answered once I saw that all of them had tags, but they each read 'Not in use'.

As if she noticed my incertitude, Alexa turned her head to face me and slightly smiles.

"We have frequent guests who stay at our rooms for some periods of time." She grabs the knob and puts the key inside of the hole, slowly turning it.

I slightly opened my mouth. "Oh," I say slowly.

She quietly chuckles, and opens the door. Right behind her, I had to fight myself to hold in a gasp as I take in the sight of the gigantic room. The overwhelming brightness of the walls and chandelier nearly had me grabbing on to the door frame to keep myself from falling. Everything is huge, including the king size bed and the Saxony carpet that extended from the bed to the vast, Maribel-looking dresser. Over at the bay window that's across the room, I see strings of lights around the window and wall, making it look extra cozy and fitting.

This is better than any bedroom I have seen and dreamt about in the catalogs, to be very honest.

Alexa's voice brought me out of my fantasy daze. "I hope this is up to your liking. Mrs. Johnson tried to find the best one out of all the other guest rooms that we have."

I look back at her. "This is perfect. Way too perfect, actually."

She chuckles and shoots me a smile. "Alright well, I have to get back to the kitchen and chef up some lunch. I'll ring you up in the telephone over there."

She extended her arm and pointed over to her left. I followed my eyes to the direction her finger was pointing to, and saw a silver telephone hanging from the wall next to the walk-in closet.

"When the lunch is ready," she finished. "Well of course, if you'd like some."

As on cue, my stomach started to grumble. She smiles, and lowers her eyes. "I take that as a yes."

I giggled and shot her a quick wave as she started to close the door. I turn around and lean my back against the door, but I make sure to do it softly just in case there is no mark or mistake printed on the door from my clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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