Chapter 3

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(A/N: the pic above is what the house looks like when you walk through the entrance. please don't pay any mind to the lady laying there xD)

(disclaimer : unedited.)


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I felt a tiny bit intimidated and high-strung before entering the house. As I took in the smell of cookie dough and cashmere amber, I stepped lightly on my feet, fearing that any dirt under my converse would leave a mark on the marble floors.

Gosh, the house was so beautiful. The first thing I noticed was how champagne and bright everything was. It had two spiral staircases that connected to a bridge-like hallway at the top floor, and came together to a small balcony jutting out. The design within the railing was similar - if the not the same - as the gate. Black spiral designs with little gold crystals inside of them. Also, a huge, crystal chandelier was hanging in the middle of the ceiling, making everything look extra upscale. What seemed to be the living room, was right at the end of the mini corridor that was between the two stairs. I stepped to the left once I heard the door close, so that I could get out of Ava's way.

I turned to look at her. "You might have heard this hundreds of times, but...your house is beautiful."

She beamed, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, dear. I had my share of parties."

Of course she has. From doing my research, I've discovered that Ava used to work as a General Practitioner before she met her husband, Adam. According to the net, all it said was that they travel together and attend bids often.

I wonder why she stopped participating in her career.

She starts to lead me towards the living room, as we pass the ceiling lights. "So I understand you've never had a job as involving as this?" she asks, as we reach the living room.

"Actually, I've never really had an official job before," I nervously say. She must know that, right? I clearly typed and stated in bold that I haven't had any job offers or anything before her's.

She gestures her hand to a grey love-seat that was behind me. I'm assuming that means to sit down, so I stopped my suitcase next to the chair and sat. I should have researched this gesturing stuff too.

She crosses her legs and folds her hands on top of them. "Yes I know, but I'm assuming you have experience and proper training?"

I suddenly felt small siting in this big chair. What if applying for this job was a big mistake, and I'm actually not as ambidextrous as my mom claimed I was to be? I mean I did clean places and apartments for people that hardly paid enough for me to survive, of course. But that still counts as work to me.

I take a gulp and nod. "Yes."

She simply nodded and reached for the shiny, metallic rotary phone that was next to her on a coffee table. I suddenly had the urge to ask if it was some sort of service calling.

Do those even exist?

She rolled a few numbers, and seemed to be waiting for an answer. She took a quick look at me, put on a closed smile, then returned to looking into space.

I took this time to glance around the room, and wow, was it exclusive. It was the same champagne color, and it had grey and gold drapes along the long, tall windows that were on the sides. The huge flat screen TV was behind me, followed by a fire place that was below it. The furniture looked as if they came out of a magazine or catalog, looking like a perfect set. There was a library far across from where I was sitting, and seemed to be transitioned with the living room. I'm not even sure if 'living room' is the correct term I should be using, because people have all kinds of names for this kind of room. They could have a second living room, for all I know.

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