Miscommunication and pining

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Guess who just auditioned for A Midsummer Night's Dream?


Guess who got Hermia?

Also moi!

Guess who ships me and my really close friend, who also happens to be playing Lysander?

Literally everyone!

Murder me!

Anywho, I just revisited the argument scene between Titania and Oberon and decided to write this instead of sleeping or memorizing lines.

I am the human incarnation of productivity.

Here's a chapter.

~ Titania's PoV ~

"Really, Oberon? Again?"

I glared at my boyfriend of three years. He had worked much later than he had promised, yet again, and I knew he knew.

Oberon barely glanced up from his laptop. "Oh yeah. Oops."

Sighing heavily in an attempt to release some frustration, I started with a diplomatic approach.

"I know you don't mean to, and I know you're tired of me reminding you, but please-"

"Yes, I am tired of you reminding me!" he shouted, finally taking his gaze off the screen. He stood up to face me.

"This is the third time this week that you've promised you'll come home at least in time for dinner, and it's also the third time you've gotten back well past midnight. It's Wednesday."

Oberon scoffed. "Titania, I just work late! It's not a big deal! I don't understand why you're so bothered by it!"

That was it. Raising my voice more than I ever thought I would to him, I released two month's worth of missed dates, cold dinners, and empty promises.

"You don't understand why I'm bothered by it? Wow. I'm bothered, Oberon, because if I can't trust you to get home by ten one night of the week or actually show up to the dates that we schedule, how can I trust you with anything else? Trust is one of the most fundamental pieces of any relationship, and you're losing mine. I've started to only buy a drink for myself at coffee shops and restaurants, knowing too goddamn well that yours would just sit opposite me with its melted ice cubes and judgemental condensation until I gave up and left!"

I took a shaky breath and made sure that no sobs made their way into existence.

I would not cry for him. Not now.

"I-I just... I feel like I don't know you anymore. I've hardly heard about your day for two months, we haven't said 'I love you' since before that, and this is the first eye contact we've made in three days."

That's when it hit him. He stared down for a moment, a look of Oh wait no she's crying I need to make her not crying crossing his face. He stepped towards me with open arms.

Had this been a different situation (one where there was an outside force making me cry and not him), I would have accepted the embrace and cuddled with him on the couch for the rest of the day.

To my dismay, this was not one of those situations. I held up a hand to push him away.

"No. You can't fix this with a hug and a smile. Not this time. I've been brushing it off for too long, Oberon. I think... I think we need to go our separate ways for a while."

Those words hit him like a punch to the gut. He froze, an expression of utter regret settling on his features.

"Wait, no, Titania-"

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