Chapter 7

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When the machine was activated, his head began to pound and pressure built up. But with every passing second, it became more and more strong. More and more frequent. It was as though the wall, the dam in his mind was being blown apart. Was swelling and swelling with each pound, with each increase in pressure. The machine turned off, and the dam shattered under the pressure. Memories began flowing into his mind like a flood. He saw everything sped up. All of his willpower was focused on absorbing this flow of knowledge. Even when he heard his name being called, he ignored it. These memories were the only thing that mattered to him at the moment. Until there were no more. The end of the memories was like hitting a brick wall, and he fell back into the present.

"Do you think he's okay?" Galaxy Steve asked.

"No, I don't think he's okay! He's just staring off into space!" Sabre retorted, beginning to panic.

"I tried not to go overboard, but I might have," Mind Steve said miserably. "It's almost as though I overloaded him."

All of a sudden, Rainbow Steve collapsed. Sabre rushed over to his side. "Rainbow Steve! Are you all right?"

Even though he looked a bit dazed, Sabre knew he would be fine when Rainbow Steve replied with "Aaaaooohhhhh aaaaaakkkkkkkkk!"

"He's fine everyone!" Sabre said, trying to hold back his amusement.

"He doesn't sound all right. What was that awful sound he made?" Yellow Steve asked.

"He was just... trying to take a deep breath. It's too confusing to explain, but all you need to know is that Rainbow Steve does it whenever he tries to calm himself down," Sabre explained. "But that's not the point. Rainbow Steve, what do you remember?"

"I... I think I remember everything. From when I was created to when I lost my memories," Rainbow Steve replied slowly. He abruptly sat up and looked at his old friends from a previous life. "I remember all of you! Blue Steve, Yellow Steve, Purple Steve! I remember!"

Rainbow Steve stood up and walked over to Blue Steve. "Congrats, you did it! I always knew you could become an Elder, and a fine one at that. But man, how the tides have turned. You're now the one with powers while I'm lacking them." Rainbow Steve then dropped his voice. "Did you get over the Elder Blue Steve possession? Because I noticed that you didn't mention it while reciting your adventures."

Blue Steve gave him a sad smile. "I'm not entirely over it yet. But over the time we've been apart, I've been able to think about it and come to realize that there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. I was dying, and you did what you could to save me. But don't beat yourself up over it," Blue Steve added, noting the haunted look in Rainbow Steve's eyes. "You had to get that flower. It led us to learn important lessons that day. And besides, you would have never met Purple... Mind Steve if you hadn't gone looking for the orchid. He would still be stuck in that temple to this day." Rainbow Steve gave a small smile to that and nodded to his friend before moving onto Yellow Steve.

"Yellow Steve, before you say anything, let me just say that I've finally forgiven you for locking me out of your town."

Yellow Steve laughed. "I'm glad. If not, you would have been holding that grudge for a very long time."

Rainbow Steve smiled. "I know we didn't know each other for too long, but we did go on some crazy adventures that made it seem longer. Hopefully we will get to hang out more now that I remember you again." Yellow Steve nodded in agreement and Rainbow Steve moved onto Mind Steve.

"Hey there Chicken Purple Steve," he said with a teasing grin.

Mind Steve let out a sigh. "I should have not restored that memory."

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