Chapter 5

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A/N: This author's note is going to be short, but thanks for 150 views in one week! I've typically been getting 100 views every week, so I was pretty surprised when this book got 100 views by Monday. Thank you all, and enjoy the chapter! You deserve it!

When they had first reached the town, Blue Steve asked one of the Steves in his exploration group to find two specific Steves and tell them to meet him in his office. When they knocked on the door, he left the office to speak to them.

"Hey Blue Steve!" Yellow Steve said when he entered the hallway. "Why did you call us here?"

"We finally found Rainbow Steve, and he's in my office right now."

"Wait, really?! After all this time, we've finally found him again?!" Purple Steve asked.

"Yeah. But I do have to warn you guys about something. He doesn't remember me, or either of you guys. He lost all of his memories."

Purple Steve and Yellow Steve looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean, he just forgot about us? How could he forget about you Blue Steve? When you first left, every little thing on our adventures reminded him of you. Or you Yellow Steve, who apparently was trapped in the Evil Elder Blue Steve's prison with him? Or me, who was trapped in the Nether with him? How could he just forget about all of that?" Purple Steve questioned in disbelief.

"To be completely honest with you two, I don't know. It may have something to do with Rainbow Steve's enemies, as they just defeated a Steve by the name of Memory Steve a day ago. He could have taken away Rainbow Steve's memories. In fact, by defeating him, Rainbow Steve and one of his companions by the name of Galaxy Steve actually got their memories returned to them. They just need help accessing it. That's where you come in Purple Steve. I was thinking that your slight mind abilities could give the two of them access to their memories again."

"Okay, got it," Purple Steve acknowledged. But Yellow Steve interrupted.

"You said that Galaxy Steve was one of Rainbow Steve's companions. That means Rainbow Steve replaced us and has been hanging out with other Steves this entire time?"

"Well, it makes sense, Yellow Steve," Purple Steve replied. "Rainbow Steve, while he was always reluctant to take people on his adventures, for the fear of them getting hurt, he would also get too lonely if it was just him all alone. If he had forgotten everything, he would try to make new friends to hang out with and fight Nightmare Steve with."

"Now that you put it that way, that does sound like the normal Rainbow Steve," Yellow Steve admitted.

Blue Steve interrupted them. "Oh yeah, you guys haven't heard the news! Dark Steve and Nightmare Steve are gone!"

Yellow Steve turned to him. "Wait, really?!"

"Yeah. Apparently Rainbow Steve along with his friend Sabre defeated Dark Steve several times, and the most recent attempt was finally successful. As for Nightmare Steve, he decided to stop being evil and separated the Red Steve he had absorbed out of himself. He's now just a Yellow Steve. While Rainbow Steve was willing to accept Nightmare Steve's apology, the Sabre guy was very skeptical and told Nightmare Steve that he has to prove that he is truly good now."

Yellow Steve made a face, while Purple Steve voiced what they were all thinking. "Turning good now doesn't make up for everything he has done in the past. I'm barely even willing to give him a second chance, let alone trust him. At least if something bad happens, we could always summon him and tell him that if he helps us, it will prove that he truly is good. But that should only be used for desperate circumstances."

"Agreed," Yellow Steve said. "Can we go in and see Rainbow Steve now?"

"Of course. I'll go in first so our guests won't be confused by your unexpected presence."

A/N: I'm sorry that this was a shorter chapter, but Chapter 4 makes up for it as one of the longest chapters in this book. I couldn't find any way to divide Chapter 4 and 5 up evenly. See you all next week!

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