Chapter 6

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As the two Steves followed the Elder in, their eyes immediately went to Rainbow Steve. "Let me introduce you all," Blue Steve said. "These are Rainbow Steve's companions, Galaxy Steve, Purple Steve, and Sabre. Rainbow Steve, these are some of the Steves you were friends with in the past. As you can probably tell, their names are Purple Steve and Yellow Steve."

Rainbow Steve looked between the two Purple Steves in the room. "How are we going to differentiate between the two of them? They look exactly the same!"

The two new Steves observed the odd, chicken-looking guy, Sabre, speak up. "Well, one of them talks in chat while the other one talks normally." Every Steve in the room looked at Sabre in confusion. Sabre realized his mistake. "Never mind, forget I said anything."

"What did he mean by that?" Yellow Steve asked, confused.

"He's not a Steve, so he doesn't see things in the same way we do," Rainbow Steve responded. "Something that seems normal to us may seem odd to him. And his world has things called sandwiches and rollercoasters. Surprisingly, sandwiches aren't witches made of sand."

"Well, of course they aren't!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed. "Sandwiches are one of the most delicious types of food in the entire universe! And I have them in my world, unlike you all." He glared at Sabre. "You still haven't gotten the sandwich you promised me months ago."

Sabre threw up his hands in exasperation. "We haven't been to your world in months! And that isn't even the point right now! Rainbow Steve, you can continue."

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, how can we tell the two Purple Steves apart? Maybe we can call them different names?"

"You can call this Purple Steve 'Chicken Purple Steve!'" Yellow Steve said with a smirk on his face, which was wiped away when "Chicken Purple Steve" elbowed him in the stomach.

"Why would we call him that?" the other Purple Steve asked. "He doesn't look at all like a chicken, and Sabre's the only chicken in this room."

Purple Steve sighed. "Rainbow Steve actually used to call me that because, during the course of our adventures, I was accidentally turned into a chicken."

Rainbow Steve was amused. "You were turned into a chicken? And I called you 'Chicken Purple Steve?' That sounds like something I would do." His eyes widened as he realized something. "Did you lay any eggs?"

Yellow Steve's eyes lit up and Blue Steve tried to hold back a laugh, hands clasped tightly over his mouth, not looking very Elder-like in the process. Purple Steve coughed, glared at the amused Steves, and quickly changed the subject before Rainbow Steve got to react to the interesting reactions that hinted to the correct answer.

"Yes, you did call me that. And I hope that the only reason why Yellow Steve brought it up was to see if it would jog your memory. It's a much better intention than trying to tease me for that accident," Purple Steve said as he glared at Yellow Steve.

"You could call him 'Mind Purple Steve' or just 'Mind Steve' because after he was separated from you, he developed some mind powers. He's actually the Steve I told you about that can possibly unlock Galaxy Steve's and your memories," Blue Steve added on.

"Mind Steve... I like the sound of it! How about you Purple Steve?" Rainbow Steve asked.

"Sounds good to me," Mind Steve said. "It's at least a million times better than Chicken Purple Steve."

"Sorry to interrupt this whole naming extravaganza," Galaxy Steve said, not sounding sorry at all, "but we need to get back on track. I, for one, want my memories back, and don't want to spend the entire day coming up with names for each other."

"Okay, sure. Purple... I mean Mind Steve, do you have any ideas about how to restore their memories?" Blue Steve asked.

"Hmm... well what I could do is manipulate their minds just enough to unlock the inaccessible memories. But I don't know how much power it would take. It would probably be a lot more than what I can provide with my minimal mind abilities," Mind Steve stated.

Silence filled the room. Then Galaxy Steve spoke. "Sabre, couldn't you temporarily strengthen his powers with a machine? You've done it many times before."

Sabre thought for a moment while eyeing the room. "That will work. And I think I could build the machine in here. The room is large enough for it, if it's okay with you, of course" he said, turning to the Elder.

"It's fine. Anything to get their memories back," Blue Steve replied.

Sabre got up to begin building the machine. Rainbow Steve stood up as well. "Need any help Sabre?"

Sabre looked at his friend. "Nah, it's fine. It's a pretty simple machine." He quickly built a simple lock-in machine and gave it an antenna that went through the roof. "Sorry Blue Steve about the roof. I'll fix it afterwards."

"It's alright. It's not permanent, and even if it was, I wouldn't be bothered in the least," Blue Steve replied.

After he was done with that part, Sabre turned to Mind Steve. "Do you think you could restore both of their memories at once, or just one at a time?"

"Just one at a time. I don't want to overload myself or get confused during the process. That would probably not end well," Mind Steve replied.

Sabre turned back to the machine and added a golden block on the floor surrounded by redstone dust and connected it to the machine with more redstone. He stood back to survey his handiwork. "This looks complete" he said. "Mind Steve, go stand on the platform surrounded by pistons. Rainbow Steve, I think you should go first since you and Mind Steve were friends in the past and he has an idea about what memories he needs to restore." Rainbow Steve nodded in his agreement. "Okay, so go stand on the gold platform." The two of them obeyed his requests. "Mind Steve, when I pull this lever, it will lock you in and start powering you up. Focus your power on Rainbow Steve and on restoring his memories. Got it?" Mind Steve nodded tersely. "Then on the count of three. One... two... three!" Sabre flicked the lever and lightning began to flash. He waited for about ten seconds before turning off the machine, hoping that it would be long enough for Mind Steve to finish his work.

Mind Steve stepped out of his section of the machine, but Rainbow Steve continued standing there as though frozen. "Rainbow Steve? Rainbow Steve, are you there?" Sabre asked, attempting to get his friend's attention. But Rainbow Steve just continued to stare off into the vast emptiness of space.


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