Who Are You?

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Bilbo rescued Thorin, and the mighty eagles rescued them all from certain death by fire or orc. They were now on the carrock, panicking over the condition of their leader as the eagles protectively swarmed them. Fili was kneeling beside his unconscious uncle, tears in his eyes. Kili and Ella stood behind him, hands on his shoulders.

"Thorin!" Gandalf barked as he landed, flopping to the ground. His eyes closed and his hand went over Thorin's face.

The wizard mumbled something and words echoed in Ellie's heart as well, praying for the well being of her friend.

"Uncle!" Kili reached as the king dwarf opened his eyes.

Ellie noticed Bilbo release a heavy sigh of relief.

"Where's the halfling?" the dwarf asked the wizard.

Gandalf smiled at Thorin's confusion.

"It's all right. Bilbo is here. He's quite safe."

Thorin hobbled to stand and the company shuffled to help him up. He found his footing and faced off against his savior.

"YOU!" Thorin barked and moods shifted. Bilbo's smile instantly dropped and the rest of the company were quite confused.

"What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!" Thorin continued as he stalked closer to Bilbo.

"Did I not say that you would be a burden?"

"Thorin..." Fili began in an attempt to recourse his uncle's attention.

"That you would not survive in the Wild? That you had no place amongst us?"

Bilbo visibly swallowed and the rest looked between them.

"I have never been so wrong in all my life!" Thorin huffed as he fell on Bilbo in a hug.

It took a second for Bilbo to realize what was happening, and the others cheered hurray.

"But I'm sorry I doubted you." Thorin began as he pulled away.

The hobbit scoffed a laugh.

"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero, or a warrior."

"Not even a burglar." He addressed Gandalf.

The sun gave its final rays and Thorin's company watched the eagles fly away.

Suddenly, Bilbo noticed Thorin's gaze stuck on something, and the two walked in that direction.

"Is that what I think it is?"

They all walked to the edge of the monolith, yearningly staring at their home far away.

Thorin was speechless.

"Erebor." Gandalf confirmed to Bilbo. "The lonely mountain. The last of the great Dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth."

"Our home." Thorin said, mostly to himself, with gleaming eyes.

"A raven!" One of the dwarves shouted, watching it head toward the mountain.

"The birds are returning to the mountain."

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf corrected him.

"But we'll take it as a sign. A good omen."

"You're right." Bilbo agreed. "I do believe the worst is behind us."

The thrush indeed made its way to the lonely mountain, only to sit on a rock and bang its food against mountain. The knocking of the bird's little seed echoed in the great halls of Erebor, swimming with gold under which lay the last fire drake of middle earth, asleep.

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