Not today

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Lance pov.

Keith had been staying them for a little over two weeks at this point, yet Keith still had trouble meeting Lances eyes after their little dispute. It wasn't as if Lance was looking up though, the black ring had become more distinguishable, he could no longer hide what he was.
As it it was bad enough already being deemed as a monster by literally everyone. Being something from the stories that mothers told to scare their children not to wander into the woods at night and to always pray to Laszuel so they wouldn't be eaten by a daemon hybrid was another.

Lance had spent years researching a way to slow down the process of a full transformation but never succeeded.
Lance was slowly becoming less of himself. He found less value in human life and the taste of his coffee was growing dull, a thick liquid that passed down his throat with no taste or sensation. He forced himself to laugh at jokes he would normally wheeze at. All he did was sit in his room reading and researching. Lance knew he wasn't particularly smart as pidge or hunk would be but he had endless stamina, Cross refrencing and reading whole dictionary's way into the wee hours of the morning. And after three years he'd finally learnt a language (Kei'yllak) just so he read at book on suppressing that side of him.

A heavy knock came on his door and lance barely felt the shock of being jolted out of his seat at the sudden occurance. "Hey lance... Its me Coran, my boy. We are all so worried about you. You've been in their since Friday! Its Tuesday now"
'Had it really been that long?' Lance wondered dimly 'he'd barely felt time passing'

"Oh yeah sure, I'm fiiiiiiine' he called stuffing the Kei'yllakian book into his desk, texts like that were forbidden under pain of death.
"Are you sure my boy? Hunk and Keith went out hunting. Deer for dinner?" Coran said tentatively. Lance got up out of his seat and strode to the mirror. One thing Lance had succeeded in making was something called an eye lense or contact. Their colour was modeled after his previous eye colour and blotted out the black. Lance gently put one on each eye, satisfied at the outcome. He looked....somewhat normal albeit a lot thinner after not eating for three days.

"My boy?? Are you still there" Coran  called knocking again 'Annoying, just kill it kill him kill it kill him'
Lance gritted his teeth suppressing the urge to rip Corans face off.
"Oh uh yeah coming"
Lance plastered a fake smile onto his face, unlocking the triple locked door to reveal an annoyingly jovial looking Coran just outside it. "C'mon my boy, its a nice night so we decided to eat outside on the balcony"
'Oh yeah,the kitchen had a balcony that jutted out over the forest' Lance thought.

As he follwed Coran through the narrow hallway to the kitchen and eventually to the balcony. The rest were already seated, Keith in seemingly deep conversation with Allura.
Keith glanced up momentarily, shocked by his appearance but quickly hid it.
Laughing at something Allura had just said.
They were gathered around a circular table with a large plate of deer in the middle and a small plate of salad just sorta discarded to the side. The balmy night air tickled his face as He took a seat between the unusualy silent Pidge who was staring daggers at Allura and Hunk who was scoffing down his sixth plate. Lance reached over and put some deer on his plate looking out over the quiet forest his Tree home loomed over. How long would it be before they finally found him. The men in the white coats he had failed to kill all those years ago. And when they did come...he'd rip them to shreds.

Pidge POV

It had been some very, very tense few days. First Lance struts off to his room doing Gods knows what, probably preening for three days. Then Keith sinks into an even moodier mood. Stomping through the house and going hunting every few seconds. Then Allura decides she's going to clean the entire house, and since the house has been here since Gods knows when and has probably been lived in by countless people before who have probably extended the house over the centuries....
Which means she gave after the first day. But somehow managed to put all my experiments away nicely. It hurts just thinking about it.

And know Mr.gone-for-three-days struts out onto the balcony with his usual cocky swagger and infuriating smile, sits next to me. Great...  I glance at Lance as he reaches for a cut of the deer. His eyes look different, almost fake. But not just that he looks sad. Not just any kind of sad but a type of sad that burrows into your bonesand chills you to your core.

Lance looked like someone who was so close to reaching something they'd rip out their heart to have but failed in obtaining it. And it hurt me to see. This man who had welcomed me when no one else would and tried his best not to let his being a hybrid get in his way. Someone so utterly determined and happy had never looked so deafeated.
"Lance buddy you alright" I queried gently. Lance glanced my way and all melancholy and despair vanished from his face. His mask falling into place.
"Oh me?" He grinned "I'm tots emotes"
I grimanced "Please never say that again" All of my trepadation vanished. This was the old Lance, a cringy happy fella, my best friend.

And looking back. I curse myself for not asking more. For not confronting him about his dull eyes. Because by not not doing so, I doomed us all

Go crazy ahhh go stupid ahhhh rip some people to bloody ribbons in about a chapter or two ahhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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