Mad Hatter | Chapter 4

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Lance Pov |

Keith and Pidge were getting along slightly better, their newfound friendship fueled by their shared hatred of cats.
"I know I'm a witch and all but cats ew, so evil" Pidge shuddered
"Ugh I know right the way they strut around like they own the place, reminds me a bit of Lance-"
"Oi!" I hurled a spoon at Keith, who caught it deftly before it collided with his head.
Pidge sniggered into her coffee.
"Hey, whats so funny about being abused with a spoon!" Keith snapped.
"Abused with a spoon eh?" Pidge said wriggling her eyebrows.
Keith went tomato red "That wasn't what I meant"
"Course it wasn't Keithy" Pidge winked at him from over the rim of her coffee cup.
Keith groaned and bit into his toast savagely.
I threw my hands up in the air. "I don't even know why I live here anymore with you animals-"

Suddenly the door to the outside passage slammed open and Allura stood there panting
"Hunk is trying to reason with some werewolves-" Allura sucked in a deep breath clutching at her chest.
"Whoa Allura, slow down, what werewolves?"
Keith said dropping his toast and placing his hands on her shoulders
"Werewolves they-
to kill you, they want to kill you Keith"  Keith looked at her in shock.

My hands fell limply to my sides.
"Where" I said
"Lance no, Remember the last time you got angry" Pidge pleaded, hopping out of her chair, joining us.
"I don't fucking care "
I snatched my wand from the counter and stormed out, the wooden steps creaking dangerously beneath my heavy footfalls, The distant snarls of wolves grew louder.
Five large grey wolves stood snarling at the base of the tree, Hunk looked wild eyed to me, apparently negotiating.
"What do you mutts want" 
I seethed gripping my wand.
"We want the blood of the cub who killed one of our own"
The biggest one snarled, it had a large scar over one eye.
"What's your name"
"My name is Bloody scar" the werewolf sniffed the air, snarling at Lance
"you filthy hybrid"
"You werewolves and your ridiculous names."  Lance scoffed.
The leader barked an insult incoherently, pawing at the ground.
Lance tutted "Aw look at the doggie getting all worked up. It wasn't the cub who killed your leader, it was me" Lance smirked, weaving his wand through his fingers.
Bloody scar snapped it's jaws at Lance from where he stood on the ground.
"Lance be careful" Allura said warily eyeing the werewolfs gaping maw.

Lance smiled at her, a strange glint in his eyes "I can handle myself"
And in one leap he vaulted over the protection rope and landed on his feet, brandishing his wand.
The werewolfs cronies growled and hung back allowing their leader space to fight.
"Come get me motherfucker" Lance giggled darkly.
The werwolf lunged forward, jaws latching onto Lances arm.
The Lance shimmered and winked out of existance

"An illusion!"
Bloody scar howled, whipping around as the real Lance appeared out of thin air above him and kicked him across the clearing. Lance winced as his foot connected with the wolfs head,
'Fuck I would've broken my leg if i hadn't reinforced my leg with magic'
Lance cursed. He glanced up to Keith gaping at his show of magic, Lance felt flustered at Keith's obvious admiration 'Quiznack, forget Keith for now Focus on the fight'
Lance closed his eyes, he felt energy course through his veins, he stretched out his wand, concentrating his power.
The werewolf bounded towards him, just before it could wrap it's jaw around Lances head, he cast his spell.
"ᏗᏝᎧᏋ ᎥᏦᏦᎥᏬ ᎮᏒᎧᎥጀᏕ"  He bellowed, magical energy erupting from him, encasing the wolf in a glowing blue light before Bloody scar dropped limply to the ground. Dead.
His cronies whimpered, their eye's darting to their dead leader and the man who had killed him.
"You will pay for this" One growled before disappearing into the forest.
Lance exhaled feeling revitalised after using his magic, he turned grinning to Pidge
" Kept my anger under control, didn't I"
Pidge crossed her arms "No need to be such a show off you twat"
"Good to see you're yourself again" Lance joked, his happiness brief when he saw Keith's face.
Keith noticed his stare, he turned heel and stalked away.
"Wonder what's wrong with him. Come on" She beckoned Allura and Hunk away, Allura gave him a worried look
"Check on him"
She mouthed, before joining Pidge and Hunk.
"Ugh why does it always have to be me" He grumbled, levitating back up onto the platform. 
Lance hastened through the dining area and his room to find Keith lying on his bed his hands on his face.
" alright man?"
Keith ignored him completely.
Lance ran a hand through his hair
"Oh gods, I'm gonna have to deal with yet another moody teenager" He barked. Keith shot up in bed, tearing his hands away from his face
"Moody teenager? You killed someone and then laughed about it" Keith fumed.
"I was trying to protect you!" He huffed. 
Keith's face crumpled, his eye's filled with pity.
"You don't understand the importance of life do you?"

Keith Pov|
Lance had killed a werwolf, and he looked to be enjoying it.
Lance had zapped it and then It was dead. It's life ended within an instant and Lance had laughed as if he'd been told a joke.
Rage bubbled up inside him, Shiro, father all could've died like that. Forgotten and a topic of amusement. Lance had looked at him without an ounce of remorse in his eye's and Keith had lost it.
He needed to be alone. Away from this....this monster.
He sat lay down on his bed covering his face, digging his nails into his skin.
Even if that werwolf was here to kill him it didn't deserve a death like that.
" alright man"
'Oh quiznack, not him'
Keith thought.
"Oh gods, I'm gonna have to deal with yet another moody teenager"
'Moody teenager? Jesus Lance you just killed someone'
Keith shot up in bed, livid "Moody teenager? You killed someone and then laughed about it"
Did he really think he did nothing wrong?
"I was trying to protect you!"
Lance had simply said, crossing his arms and pouting. Keith felt a sudden wave of pity for him, he had to concept of concept of the importance of life. "You don't understand the importance of life do you?"
Lance stood there speechless, a strange look on his face, which hardened to pure undiluted hatred.
"I don't suppose, a monster like me does" He turned and strode out the room. Leaving Keith alone.
'Oh quiznack, I've really done it this time'


Allurance is canon, Alluras dead and Lances arc was wasted and he turned into a farmer. I'm honestly disappointed. I won't stop writing Klance fanfiction through, as a tribute to our boys who deserved so much better.

It's been an honour flying with you guys

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