Chapter 2| Awake

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(Above image is Lances outfit in fic| credit to artist)

Keith stood frozen in fear as he pressed himself against a tree.
He'd been out hunting when a werewolf had come across him.
The werewolf was probably hunting as well. He had no chance against a fully grown werewolf so he'd hid.
"Where's that little runt"
A deep male voice growled. Loud sniffs accompanied the voice, shit
If he smelled him he was a goner.

"....Found him" Keiths eyes widened as a warm body slammed into him. He skidded across the forest floor.
A large grey werewolf stood above him. It's body heavily muscled and with paws the size of his head, he was as good as dead.
"Stop, I have nothing to give" He panted clutching his side.
"What makes you think I want something from you" The werewolf sneered it's hackles rising. "I just want to kill" Keith backed up, the only way he'd have a chance against this guy was to shift. Keith squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated. He felt his skin ripple and shift as his face elongated into a muzzle and his spine lengthened, His skin sprouted fur.
He snarled lunging at the other werewolf. The grey wolf sunk it's jaws around his haunch. Keith yelped as blood sprayed.
Keith spun around and snapped at it's tail, biting off the end, the werewolf screeched in pain "..You'll pay for that....."
The grey wolf slammed it's head into him sending him flying. Stars flew in his vision as he felt bones snap in his side. The werewolf latched its jaws around my neck and started ripping, Keith blacked out as he felt blood pour from a gash in his neck.

|Lances pov|

Lance was out collecting juniper berries for a special poison but he'd heard a fight and being naturally curious he'd gone to watch
When he'd arrived he realised it was the mutt from yesterday..."Well I'll be damned" He murmured.
He knew he shouldn't help that troublesome mutt from yesterday but it just seemed so pathetic as it fought the larger older wolf. "I guess I'll help" He sighed "ᏗᏕᏁᎤᎧᏗ0
ᏗᎧᎤᎧᎤᏗᏰ"  A blue bolt of magic zipped through the air and impaled the larger wolf. He lowered his broom and hopped off to inspect the mutt. He grimaced its injuries were gruesome. A large gash across it's neck flowed with blood and multiple cuts and claw marks littered it's body. Beside it lay the dead werewolf, the Mutt had done some serious damage to it despite his size.
A sizzling sound brought his attention back to the night black werewolf.
The fur seemed to melt back into its skin and the pale, naked body of the mutt was exposed. Lance shrugged off his cloak and gathered it's body up in it "My good cloak..." He grumbled. A grunt of pain escaped it's lips. The mutts black hair was matted with sweat it's face completely leached of colour. Lance hoisted him into the air and onto his broom. He swung his leg over his broom and placed the cloak wrapped figure across his lap
"ᎦᏝᎩ" he muttered and his broom lurched into motion, rising above the tree's, one hand on his broom and one hand steadying the figure on his lap. Before long he'd reached his destination. A huge tree , It's leafy branches obscuring what was inside.  A network of passages between the branches that swayed in the wind, And at the very heart lay his home. Lance flew in before landing deftly on one of the inner most passages, the wooden slats that made up the floor creaked as he sprinted along, carrying the werewolf bridal style in his arms. He didn't have much time left, it was losing a lot of blood. He kicked open the door and strode through his main chamber, ducking through the low entrance way into his spell casting room, he swept off the clutter from the table that lay in the center of the room laying the werewolf on the table. "C'mon....C'mon" he muttered searching frantically through his spellbook, "Werewolf..werewolf healing.....aha! Here it is" He slammed the book shut and positioned his hands over the figure "Ѫаgанаíнб§jķļjĕåæ" he chanted his hands glowing blue "Шкѫаѫкїѳpѳабабѵкщ" the blue light seeped into the various wounds on it's body bathing Lance in a warm blue light. "Ψåķåɱåķȋ¤ק¤¤ååβ√ķΨ"
After several minutes of exhausting spell casting the werewolfs skin had returned to a normal colour and the wounds disappeared leaving only faint scars and blemishes.
"Man, I'm beat" he sighed, a blush rose to his face when he realised the werewolf was still on his table, and was still naked. Lance averted his eyes and picked him up, carrying him to his sleeping chamber he lay him down ln his bed. "Well lets just hope Winau favours you" he muttered settling down in the chair beside the werewolf. "Gods I'm exhausted, I'll just take a small nap..
I'll be awake before he gets up..." Lances head lolled to the side and he began snoring

|Keith pov|

Keith awoke to the dull ache in his body, he licked his lips and groggily surveyed the room he was in. Book shelves filled with spellbooks and potions lay to one side and a blue fire crackled merrily in the hearth, a large ornate wardrobe was squeezed bewtween two bookshelves. Tapestries of the night sky and forest decorated the walls, fairy lights in the shape of bluebells hung above the bed and several large windows showed him he was high up....and in a tree......, shit. This wasn't his room. That's right the fight, did that werewolf take him home, to finish him off? Keith trembled as he looked wildly around the room until his eyes stopped at the sleeping figure in a chair beside him.
A witch, perhaps with its hat askew sat asleep, carmel skin and brown hair cropped short, traditional witches attire with a blue crystal around his neck, long black lashes fluttered against his face, Keith's eye's drifted to it's mouth, Its lips slightly parted and what was inside made Keith stifle a shout. Long fangs, longer than any vampires or werewolfs. This was the hybrid from yesterday. Keith made to leave but the bed groaned beneath him and the hybrids eyes snapped open. Double Shit.
The hybrid reached for him but he drew back "What the fuck do you want. Where am I" Barked keith baring his teeth.
"Whoa slow down there mutt. I healed your sorry ass so be a bit more grateful, and you're in my house. You're welcome" The hybrid replied, staring him down.
"Fine...who're you"
"The names Lance"
"Really? That doesn't sound like a very hybrid-y name" Keith said, uncertain.
Lance laughed a tinkling sound that made Keith blush wildly. "What? Do you expect me to have some sort of awe inspiring name.....Whats your name"
"Um...its Keith"
"Keith must strike fear into the hearts of your enemies..." Lance said blandly obviously taunting him.
"Whatever..And uh can I have some clothes?"
"Uh yeah of course. You don't mind wearing my old clothes?"
"Uhh no"
Lance sorted through the wardrobe before withdrawing a bundle of clothes. "He dropped them on the bed  "Well carry on then" Lance said "I'll go make coffee or something" He said leaving the room
Lance given him a plain grey linen shirt and trousers  and leather work boots. Keith sniffed them, they smelled like Cinnamon, Keith pulled on the clothes swiftly and joined Lance in large kitchen. The smell of cinnamon wafted through the air. Lance stood at the counter boiling water. Keith sat down on a stool facing the counter.
"Why be so nice to me. You left me for dead yesterday."
Lance shrugged "It seemed like the good thing to do. Plus I felt a little guilty to be honest"
"'s just so.."
"So unhybrid like right? Yeah well we're not all the same"
Keith felt like he'd happened upon a sensitive matter and changed the subject "So do you live alone?"
Lance seemed to visibly brighten up a bit "No, I live here with two Vampires, Allura and Coran and a Witch Pidge and a werewolf Hunk. Each of those outside passages lead to their own apartments"
Keith was surprised "What really? Where are they now?" 
"Probably at the market. I can't go because of my.....disposition" Lance said. It was true, Lance could neither pass for witch nor vampire when you really looked at him. Long ears of a vampire but the eye's of a hybrid. He could hide under his witches hat but even by looking at his figure it was obvious he wasn't anything natural.
"Have you ever been to the market?" Lance asked
"A couple of times. I can't go often though my face is on every wanted poster there is"
"Oh? What'd you do?" Lance said excitedly.
"Nothing. I was framed by the council"
"Oh" Lance frowned "Pity,
Keith shot him a look and he dropped the subject.
Well how do you like your coffee?"
"Um black"
"Black?!" Lance said clearly disgusted "What are you a monster" Lance wrinkled his nose and handed Keith his coffee. It was Keith's turn to be disgusted as Lance poured a scandalous amount of milk and sugar in before topping it off with cinnamon"
"Ugh" he he said as Lance gulped down his coffee.
Keith opened his mouth to speak but a door slammed open revealing four figures, the smallest of them spoke up
"Yo Lance! Wait....who the quiznack are you?!"


Aaaa another chapter. Shit I'm sleepy, probaly gonna update my zombie au story next tm.
Thanks for reading

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