Now you see him, now you don't

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Ch. 002

Regret and shame were the overall emotions Bobbi was currently facing the moment she had made her proclamation. 

"Yes, the way to a deity's heart is to basically tell them you're going to kill them with the power of love. What a power move Bobbi," she thought to herself. 

She wanted to hit her head on the concrete, throw her body off the balcony, anything to get rid of the embarrassment she felt. Surely she was much smoother than this? 

However, the deity sent a piercing glare to the shivering mass of a girl before fading out into a ball of light. 

Great. Now she had lost him. 

"Shit!" the girl groaned as she pounded a fist onto the ground. "Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" Bobbi yelled into the air.

The sound of her sister's muffled yelling alerted Niana's senses. Her sister had only been upstairs for less than ten minutes. How badly could her sister have messed up? Niana quickly clutched the leather bound grimoire to her chest and took a step towards the stairs before a moment of hesitation stopped her. Should she go? What if she was interrupting something? But then again, what if her sister was in danger? 

That thought alone persuaded Niana to follow the sound of Bobbi's whines of anguish. Her sister's safety was more important at the moment. 

Cautiously Niana poked her head from behind the balcony door to find her elder sister slumped on the ground. "What happened! How did it go?" 

Dejected, Bobbi lifted her head revealing tear stained cheeks. "I messed up and ruined my first impression."

"Idiot!" Niana groaned.

"You think I don't know that? I feel the shame seeping into my bones." 

Niana rolled her eyes. Her sister was always a crybaby. "Let's go inside. We still have a bunch of things to unpack. He's a spirit anyway, so if he's attached to this house we could find him again and I should be able to trap him with one of our spells."

Bobbi wiped her tears away. No use crying about it. "You're right, but there's one important detail you need to know."

Niana raised a slender brow "Oh?"

"That 'spirit' is actually a deity." 

"A-die-- a deity!" Niana exclaimed. She grabbed her sister's shoulders and shook them vigorously. "Are you sure? How can you tell?"

"Stop shaking me!" Bobbi squeezed her sister's cheeks freeing herself from her tight grasp and went inside the room. "A Deity's glow is different. And the outline of his glow was like a pale yellow, the lightest color I've seen on any being."

Just her sister's luck. Her sister could barely get a date with a human boy, let alone a deity. At this rate her sister would die a cursed wretch. 

"This would have been easier if he was a spirit. You know why?"

"Why?" Bobbi asked.

"Because he's already dead and dating you would mean he's got nothing left to lose anyway." 

Bobbi's glared at her sister and proceeded to pinch Niana's cheeks as she snickered away. "HOW. RUDE!" 

Niana slapped her sister's hands away still laughing at her joke and walked downstairs with Bobbi following behind her. "We'll figure out your predicament tomorrow. Now that we finally know that this ghost boy of yours is a deity, that means we need to have a change of plan."

Bobbi crossed her slender arms and nodded. There was only one person who the sisters could trust to guide them on knowledge about the mythical world. "We're gonna need to talk to Syrune. She would know."

It was thanks to Syrune that Niana was able to learn witchcraft in the first place. Bobbi recalled the first time her sister had told her she decided to learn magic. As an older sister, she was angry and fearful of the world her sister had dug herself into. But Niana was too hardheaded to listen anyway. It was truly a blessing that Niana had found a reliable guide instead of some weird kook off the street who claimed to know magic. 

"Yeah, I'm going to need to freshen up on my combat spells. I have this fear of blanking out when I need them the most."

"You better not blank out or else both of us would be dead, and this whole thing would've been useless."

"Hey, if I die, at least you still get to see me when I haunt you."

Bobbi watched as Niana opened up one of the larger boxes strewn about the living room floor. Her heart ached at the thought of her little sister dying before her. "You better stop. Those things are terrible to joke about." 

"But I can be your ghost sidekick."

"The worst ghost side kick," Bobbi laughed dryly. The last thing she would want is the people close to her dying. Not especially her younger sister who deserved so much more than to tag along and help break her sister's curse.

It was Bobbi's own fault after all for being cursed in the first place.

Too busy to notice the time, the sisters had many more boxes left to unpack by the time it got dark outside. 

"Hey look at this Bobbi! We forgot to send our original baby pictures to mom."

The elder sister squatted next to her sister and the sound of her knees popping filled the previously quiet room.

"Geebus you're old," said Niana.

"Whatever," Bobbi pointed at a neon dressed 4-year-old Niana in pig tails holding a melted ice scream while sporting a gap-toothed smile. "And you were an ugly kid."

"Shutup!" Niana shoved Bobbi's shoulder teasingly. 

"I AM INJURED." Bobbi yelled dramatically as she let her body fall to the floor. 

"You're annoying." Niana stood up and put the pictures back into the box. "I'm gonna move these boxes so they don't block the way." 

"Yeah, you can just put them by the window." Bobbi pointed, and chills went up her spine. 

Her eyes darted towards the window again and a dark silhouette appeared moving around one of the trees outside of the house. Bobbi hoped to God that she was just seeing things, but she knew something was out there. 

Bobbi continued to watch the dark silhouette as it darted closer and then disappeared behind the trees before hanging upside down in front of the window.

Bobbi's knees shook in fear as she took a couple steps back away from the window. "Oh, h-hell no."


Hello everyone! I'll try to make updates as regularly as I can. I know there may be many questions in your minds right now, but they will all be answered! In due time that is. Huehue. In the meantime, please leave a comment, vote, and follow for more updates! =)  

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