First encounter of a different kind

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Ch. 001

She could sense him the moment she stepped into her new home. She could feel it by the way her heartbeat sent shocks of ice throughout her body with each pulse.

The chills ran continuously up and down her spine and it wasn't just because it was raining outside.

It was because of the cursed sixth sense that she had. Literally. The 6th sense was cursed upon her.

"You sense something don't you."

Beside Bobbi stood her younger sister Niana. Niana could always tell from the look in Bobbi's eyes the moment she senses a spirit around. Her older sister's russet eyes would glaze over like a steely cold. Similar to the cold eyes of a dead person.

Niana would see that look on her sister's face often, but it still terrified her.

Bobbi only nodded slowly placing her heavy duffel and backpack onto the cold tile floor.

"Do you think this could be the one?" Bobbi silently asked.

"I-I don't know." said Bobbi.

It was a lie. Bobbi knew deep inside that this ghost is specifically for her. That's what the "seer" had told her. She only waited eight years to finally be free of her curse. However, eight years is being hopeful. Bobbi knew she couldn't test fate, but she couldn't wait any longer to be free. She was tired of seeing ghosts and being harassed by them. However, breaking any curse always comes at a price.

"I'll come with you--" Niana offered and stopped once she saw the earnest look in her sister's eyes.

"Stay here Niana. You can set the house up with protective spells if need be, but I'll call for you as soon as I sense any danger. Alright?"

Niana gave a reluctant sigh. "Fine, be careful."

Bobbi walked up the stairs to the second floor of the house where the bedrooms were.

Bobbi followed the chill, wherever felt the coldest was where the spirit would be. Fear, anxiety, and the chill air caused her body to shiver painfully, but Bobbi gripped her arms tight to stabilize herself.

The door to her would-be room was ajar, and she made her way inside. Her eyes scanned the wide area of the empty room save for her king-sized bed and desk office set up on one side of the room.

Even though Bobbi could tell the spirit wasn't in the room, Bobbi could see his bright glow blinding her from the balcony.

The emerald curtains softly swayed as if beckoning her to come closer. And she did.

Each step Bobbi took filled her body with a rush of adrenaline and fear of what she was about to uncover.

Who was this spirit that could break her of this curse?

Bobbi pushed back the curtains and slid open the door.

Before her, a young man, tall and lean, stood on the balcony rail with his head tilted back allowing the rain to fall on his face and run down his brown hair.

His features from what Bobbi could see, were sharp. From the point of his nose to the tip of his chin, the rain dripped along the sharp line of his jaw and his slender neck. 

The white dress shirt he wore offered no resistance to the rain, and only clung to his olive skin. From the way he dressed it seemed that he had returned from a cocktail party of sorts. She noticed his blazer and tie lay tossed aside on the ground.

She knew that he could sense her presence there, but she waited patiently for him to acknowledge her. 

When he finally turned his head to look at her, Bobbi let out a gasp and felt her knees give out below her. "So, it's you." She knew in the way her body quivered in a nervous frenzy. All her pains and scars of the past have led her up to this moment and her body didn't know what to do with itself.

With an air of nonchalance, his half-lidded eyes lazily scanned her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He spoke.

 Bobbi felt herself shrink. 

Her lips parted and no words came out. Her throat was dry and she could barely formulate an introduction in her head. This "spirit" that she was dealing with was not a spirit, but a deity. An even higher power.

Regardless, Bobbi could not deny her fate or her symptoms. Her sixth sense was going off telling her this deity is the one to fix her fate.

Taking a deep breath, Bobbi lifted her head to look at the spirit once more.

"I'm Bobbi, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make you fall in love with me."


Hello everyone! Chanamo here, or you can call me Chanelle. This is one of my rare points in time where I'm inspired to write again. This chapter took a life of it's own and I'm excited to see where it will go. Please follow, like, and drop a comment and share your thoughts, predictions, expectations, or even about your day! 

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