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(Same as the Description and PS you look like the pic at the top)


your name is Brooklynn and you're 16 years old. you are moving across the country from a beach in Australia  to another beach near L.A, California. You are moving with your brothers, your twin brother Zach (16), Logan (13), twins Nate and Brandon (6), and your only sister Megan (3) and of course your parents John and Marissa Marksly. you are moving into a little beach houseby the ocean 20 miles from L.A. You are very pretty and have a cute Australian accent. You have ocean blue eyes and blonde wavy hair. you are considered "skinny" but you are more mature physically and mentally. you used to be a lifeguard and you still plan to be at the beach when you move. You also plan to attend Eastville high 10 miles from the beach. you want to be a cheerleader again and join multiple sports teams. But you do have all summer to figure it out since two days ago was the last day of school.

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