Chapter 6- New Feelings

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HEY! finally the 6th chapter. Pleassee leave comments.


other than that ^_^



and read away...


The girls were shown around the huge house and finally escorted home. Everyone except Mia that is, this was her home now.

Only after they were home did the news sink in that the girls were going to be dating a Ryder, and then the fangirling started.


The next morning the whole Ryder family, plus Mia and minus Mr. Ryder were sitting down around the breakfast table eating a fantastic breakfast made by the Ryder's personal chef. Coraine was keeping the conversation up and going and the rest of the members were adding bits and pieces.

"So, Mia. I was wondering if you could answer a question of mine." Coraine said sipping her coffee. Zaldon looked up and gave his mother a questioning look.

"Yes?" Mia asked politely.

"What would you think if I asked all of the girls to come and stay here in the Ryder mansion with us?" She asked cheerfully. Five forks dropped abruptly.

"What?" Ren asked.

"Upbapbup. Let Mia answer." Coraine said silencing him. All the boys looked at Mia, and suddenly she felt extremely small.

"Well, I think, that.... That would be a lot of extra laundry to do."" She said in a shy voice.


"HAHAHAHAHHA!" Zaldon started laughing uncontrollably."Oh my god! I never thought you would.... Oh that's rich! This is why I picked her." He said wiping tears from his eyes. The other boys started laughing and Mia turned beet red. But inside she was glad that she made them laugh.

"Ok ok, settle down. I'm serious. What do you think Mia?" Coraine said over the boys laughter.

"I think that would be a very nice idea." Mia said truthfully. And she truly did. It was usually very lonely all alone by herself on that floor. All the other maids slept downstairs, but Mia got this hallway all to herself.

The laughing stopped.

"Are you serious?" Zaldon asked and Mia nodded.

"I think it would be great company. They are really nice girls and I would like to become closer to them."

"Yeah, that's true. I would like to get closer to Sky so we can be a better couple." Cole said finishing off his bacon.

"God, you sound cheesy." Knox snorted and Cole shot him a dirty look.

"It's decided then! The girls will move in and we all can get closer to each other." Coraine said standing up and bringing her plate to the kitchen.

"I don't like the way she said closer." Zaldon said suspiciously.

"It almost sounded dirty!" Knox said laughing. Mia chuckled.

"Yeah, I think she wants grandchildren too badly." She said standing up. The boys laughed and cleared up the table.


An hour later Coraine walked into the lounge where all the kids were sitting.

"It's all set! They will arrive tomorrow! You won't be all alone on that floor anymore Mia." She said grinning and walked out.

"Wow, dude." Finn said with wide eyes.

"What?" Zaldon asked.

"Does this mean I have to have my room clean all the time?"

Everyone laughed in response.


The girls arrived the rest morning each with a car full of boxes. Mia and Zaldon sat on the steps and watched the rest of the boys helping out with the girls stuff.

"Does this mean that other people will be doing my laundry?" Zaldon asked. Mia shrugged.

"I don't know. If the other girls can do laundry, then they will I guess. Why?" She answered. Zaldon had a scowl on his face.

"You do the best laundry. No one else is touching my clothes." He said stubbornly. Mia laughed and punched his arm.

"Okay babe. I can arrange that." She smiled and continued to watch the boys bring in boxes.

Zaldon looked down at the girl beside him in a daze, Never has he felt that feeling inside him when she called him 'babe'. And never has the spot on his arm where she punched him felt so fireworky. She looked at him and he caught her blue eyes in his green ones. Zaldon held her gaze for a couple seconds before both of them turned away with bright red faces.

Where did this feeling come from? Mia asked herself as she tried to cool her face.

Oh my god I want to bang her. Wait, what? Where did that come from?! Zaldon thought. But just the thought of seeing her in next to nothing....

Zaldon's whole body tingled and he had to resist the urge to reach out, grab her face and kiss her.

Stop it Zaldon! He told himself. Like really, what the actual fu...

"Zaldon?" Someone called tapping his shoulder. He looked up and saw the most beautiful pair of blue eyes in the world. Mia looked at him strangley.

"What are you gawking at?" She asked scrunching her nose. Zaldon breathed in sharply.

Where did this feeling come from?

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