Chapter 3- Leighton and Avery

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Leighton Nears walked up the steps of the mansion; she hoped she had the right address. She was going to her friend Twyla’s party that started at 1:00 and it was already 12:55 and Leighton always had to be five minutes early. Her black hair was cut into a bob and had some cute brown highlights, she had just gotten it done today and she was happy about it, even though coloring her hair was a big step for Leighton. Her blue dress was a little above her knees and had sequins at the waistline, it was her favorite party dress and today she matched it with some cute sky blue flats. Her make up was light as well as her attitude. Leighton rang the doorbell and a girl with blonde hair that looked her age opened the door.

   “Come on in.” The girl said with a smile as Leighton stepped in.

   “Oh thank you. Is Twyla here?” She asked.

   “I don’t know, I was just supposed to show people to the living room.” The girl said, confused and Leighton smiled.

   “Then this must be the right place, thank you.” She made her way where the girl showed her. As she stepped into the big room the smell of perfume washed over her. Many very pretty girls were sitting and chatting and nibbling on snacks. A lady walked up to her.

   “Hello! Welcome here, and your name is?” She asked.

   “Leighton Nears.” She said sheepishly.

   “That is a very gorgeous name! By the way I’m Coraine Ryder. The mom of the boys.” Coraine said proudly and Leighton started getting confused.

   “Boys?” She asked.

   “Yes, you know, Zaldon, Knox, Ren, Finn and Cole?” Coraine asked.

   “Isn’t this Twyla’s house?”

   “No, you are here to compete against the other girls to get one of the boys.”

  “Oh, I thought this was my friend’s house! I better go!” Leighton said in a rush and was about to turn around when a boy with black hair came up.

   “Mom, the punch has run low maybe...” He said and as his eyes rested on Leighton he stopped talking, mid-sentence. As Coraine cleared her throat he blushed and continued. “Maybe one of the maids could get some more.”

   “Yes of course, but before I go off and tell someone to do that I would like to introduce you to Leighton.” She said gesturing to Leighton. “Leighton Nears, Knox Ryder. We are all acquainted now. Well I am guess I will go get some more punch.” Then Coraine turned and left.

   “Hello, yes I am Knox. And Leighton, such an unusual name for a girl.” He said his grey eyes gazing into Leighton’s green ones.

   “Yes, I know. But Knox, that isn’t a very common name either.” She said looking away, but when he laughed she quickly hid a smile and looked up at him again.

   “True, true. So what age are you?”  He asked and she kind of smirked.

   “Do you mean how old I am? 18.”As she said that Leighton saw Knox’s eyes light up, maybe she would stay after all.


   “Honey, it will be fun!” Mrs. Williams said.

   “You will meet new girls and maybe get a boy.” Mr. Williams added. Avery Williams sat in her parents fancy Porsche outside the Ryder’s mansion. Her parents told her that she was going to a party and to get dressed up. So she put on a hot pink dress with ruffles on the front and a black belt around her waist. Her mother made her wear black high heels that clicked on any hard surface. Avery’s brown hair was in loose curls and a bobby pin in here and there. And now her parents tell her that she has to stand in front of some boys and model of her curves and hair. No way. Avery was the most self conscious person in the world. She had an amazing body and amazing hair but she did not like to show it off. And now she knew she would have to go in the house sooner or later.

   “Ok mother. Here is the deal, I go in show off a little and if I win great if not that is still ok and then I get to go home and have a nice massage and back rub. Deal?” She asked and Mrs. Williams nodded.

“Oh, and honey? Don’t fall or do anything clumsy okay?” Avery sighed and got out of the car and rang the doorbell without answering her mother, odds are she will trip or embarrass herself, she just was clumsy. A few minutes later she was in a grand room with lots of good looking, nice smelling, and confident people. Avery made her way to the refreshments table and got herself a ginger ale. She then made her way through the people to a small table in the back. Avery just sat there sipping her pop until she had to go to the bathroom; she got up and walked out the big room into the quiet hallway. Then she slipped through doors and around corners until she was completely lost. Avery heard voices coming from in front of her so she quietly (or as quiet as she could with her heels) walked backwards and then quickly turned around. SPLASH! Avery’s ginger ale collided with a nice dress shirt and tie. She quickly looked up to see who she soaked and the first thing she saw was beautiful chestnut hair, and then shocked green eyes.

   “I am so sorry! I am a complete klutz! First I drank too much ginger ale, then I had to go to the bathroom, then I got lost in this maze of hallways and then I bump into you and, and…” Avery said in a rushed voice, Ren stopped her.

   “Ren Ryder. It’s ok; I didn’t like this tie anyway.” He said and smiled, Avery smiled back.

   “Avery Williams. I am sorry?” She said sheepishly, and Ren shrugged it off.

   “Whatever, here let me escort you to the bathroom.” He said with a wink and Avery smiled a genuine smile, not just a fake one she would use at home. A happy smile.


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