Chapter 13

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Hours later, Kate falls back into her chair with a sigh. Castle looked up from his cell phone where he’d been playing Angry Birds. Kate knew because Castle had refused to turn down the volume, saying it “would ruin the epicness that is Angry Birds.”

“Bad news?” He asked.

“Bad for us, good for Jessie. Her alibi just checked out. Aside from her boyfriend, the doorman and cameras can both attest that she didn’t leave the building after she came in last night around 8:45.”

“So now we’re back to square one,” Castle said, echoing Kate’s sigh. An hour ago they’d been able to verify John Townsend’s alibi as well.

“Perhaps. I have an interview set up with Michael Westland tomorrow, so hopefully he can give us more information. I have a feeling he’d know more about Breaking Meadows and Bent Tree, the rivalry between the two jockeys, and even about Townsend’s offer to Kaylan.”

“Not to mention the fact that Townsend immediately sought him out after our interview.”


“But we also need to know more about Kaylan herself,” Castle argued, “Not just about what choices she made more didn’t make or what was offered to her.”

“I know, Castle,” Kate responded, looking over at him. He’d been doing that all day, arguing on behalf of Kaylan, standing up for her, as if Kate didn’t believe the best of Kaylan already. “Look,” she said, placing her hand over his. “I don’t think Kaylan is like Damien. I think she’s honestly a good person. Everything we’ve learned about her points to that conclusion. It wasn’t like that with your old friend, but it is like that with this victim. So you don’t have to defend her to me.” She squeezed his hand before letting go and watched as some of the tension left his face.

“I know. Really, I do. I just…Kate, she was so young. So innocent. Like Alexis. I just want her to see justice.” He looked pleadingly into her eyes and Kate’s heart responded with a tug. And with a twinge of frustration. Part of her just wanted to hold him and tell him they would get the guy and that Alexis was safe and the other part of her wanted to slap him. She went with a little bit of both.

“Rick, that’s why we’re here,” she said, her voice gentle, but firm. “To get the bad guys and bring her to justice. I won’t rest until that happens. You know that.” He ran his hand through his hair, hoping to hide his grimace. Kate rolled her eyes. “I’m not mad, Castle.” She waited until he met her eyes again before continuing. “You should know by now that we’re on the same page, always.”

He smiled at their word and nodded. I do know, he said with his eyes, And I’ll remember next time. “So,” he said brightly, changing the subject. “Shall we go?” Castle stood and held out his arm.

“Go?” Kate asked. Wasn’t he just remarking on finding justice?

“Okay, I’m going to explain this to you again,” he said, sitting back down, a twinkle in his blue eyes. Kate rolled her eyes but let him continue. “There are these times, normally three times a day, when people sit down and feed themselves some sort of sustenance. They’re called breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We did the whole lunch thing and I always bring you breakfast, but now it’s time for dinner.”

“I know what meals are, Castle,” she returned, exacerbated. “You know, if my pep talks are going to get you in this good a mood, I’m going to stop handing out speeches.”

“It’s getting dark outside, Beckett, and while you and I are used to Chinese takeout propped on the side of your desk at ungodly hours, my mother and daughter are not. So,” he said with a smile, holding out his arm again. “Shall we go?”

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