Chapter 5

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His kiss paralyzed her. What had started off so soft and sweet had quickly turned into something…else. Something new. Something she found herself wanting with her entire body and so immediately began fighting it. But he held her. His injured hand cupped the back of her head while his left hand wound its way behind her lower back, pressing her against him. But she couldn’t. So she fought harder. And finally managed to break away.

 “You’re with Gina,” she choked out.

 “No, I’m not,” He murmured and pulled her back in. They were gentle this time.

 “You’re with Josh,” he gazed into her eyes, eyes she could see were ready to break depending on her answer.

 “But I want to be with you,” she whispered, laying herself bare to him, the truth too strong to try to hold back any longer.

It was all the invitation he needed. His lips took hers hostage, claiming them for his own, refusing to let her back down or run. Kate let her body take over, let her heart run its course and just as they parried their words, their lips flew into motion. Kate ran her tongue along the bottom of his lips, asking, and his mouth parted, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues did a dance, tasting, taking, giving. She ran her fingers through his hair and let them slip down his face, then down his chest and around his back again, never staying still for more than a moment. She had a raving need to touch every part of him. She noticed they were dancing again.

 “Castle,” she gasped when they finally came up for air. Opening her eyes, she looked around wildly, suddenly remembering where they were. She silently thanked the heavens Captain Montgomery had led her to a more recluse part of the parking lot. Lights were still flashing, though many of the cop cars had left for home. Kate could make out her car still stationed between cars up the road. But that’s not what she was looking for. Kate was looking for gawking faces, wide eyes, maybe a few whistles. She didn’t find any.

 “Hey,” Castle said, hooking his finger beneath her chin and pulling her face back towards him. “It’s okay.”

 “Castle we’re acting like teenagers,” she protested, needing something to do. She wanted to run, but searching herself, she found that more and more of her wanted to stay. Castle knew her better than anybody. And despite his playboy image, she trusted him more than anyone she knew. Kate was starting to realize that the excuse she’d told herself over and over again was nothing more than that. An excuse. Castle was not the man the magazines portrayed him to be. He was not the man who signed his fangirls’ breasts. Okay, maybe that was a little bit of him. But the true Richard Castle, the one she found herself falling for, was the man who worried about his daughter, the man who pulled her pigtails just to bring a smile to her lips, the man who saved her day in and day out from everything about her life. He knew her and loved her anyway. He was playful, cocky, sarcastic, and witty, but that’s brought joy to her life. Made her smile and laugh. He challenged her, motivated her. He knew when to joke and when to be serious. He was smart. And loyal. And good. And he was one hell of a kisser.

 “Aren’t you the one saying I am a teenager?” He joked, lifting an eyebrow, and bringing Kate back from her thoughts. “Can we go be teenagers back at my place?” He asked before she could respond. Kate immediately tensed.

 “Castle,” she began, not really knowing where she was headed. His fingers tipped her head up before she could say anything more and he brought his lips back down to hers. This kiss was slow and gentle, mesmerizing, soothing, persuasive. Her walls were down once again.

Kate smiled a bashful smile and ducked her head when the kiss broke. “Take me home, Rick,” she purred into his ear. This time it was Castle who tensed, but he wasted no time.

 “Always,” he murmured, and then led her to the car. They drove in silence, hands interwoven, softly caressing. She parked outside his building and he led her up to his flat. The ride up the elevator was filled with anticipation, but the only communicating they did was through their eyes. Untold secrets and promises, blushes and smiles, fingers hooked together, contained passion waiting to be unleashed behind closed doors.

The elevator ride was killing him, passion threatening to overwhelm his body. Castle wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, rip her clothes off, and show her the many ways he loved her. To prove his love. To win hers. He did all he could to show her with his eyes, but twelve floors was a long time. By floor eight he’d had enough. Using their latched hands, Castle pulled Beckett to him and caught her gently. The pressure of her body against him stoked the  fire rippling through his veins. He took her face in his hands and tilted her head up. She went willingly. Their mouths found each other, tongues quickly coming alive and playing their part. She moaned into his mouth and tremors of pleasure passed through their bodies.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened, but neither of them separated. Instead, they alternated between pushing and pulling each other to his front door. Castle fumbled with his keys, his brain barely functioning by this point, and threw the door open.

“Alexis?” Kate asked against his lips.

 “Out,” was all he managed in return.


 “With friends,” and then he captured her lips more firmly so she couldn’t speak and pulled her to his bedroom.

Kate gripped his shirt in her hands and stepped out of her shoes, sinking several inches as she continued to follow him. He followed her lead and pulled off his jacket. She started unbuttoning his shirt and then it too was on the floor. Castle caught the hem of her shirt and slid his fingers beneath it, tracing his fingers over her stomach and up her side. Goosebumps trailed behind his fingers, stimulating another moan from his partner. Then her shirt, too, was in a bundle on the floor, leaving her in a lacy black bra and jeans. They kept moving toward his room, a trail of clothing following them.

They’d made it into his room, the door kicked shut behind them when Kate suddenly stilled in his arms. A chill ran through his body. And the look in her eyes told him everything he needed to know.

 “Josh,” she whispered in horror.

Castle sighed in defeat. He wouldn’t take her like this. It would kill the both of them. He wanted her, no, needed her so badly. But if they started like this…it would be the end of them. Kate would hate herself and in turn hate him. And Castle couldn’t live without her.

He brought her head up and stole one last kiss, lingering a moment longer, and then stepped back. “Go,” he whispered, “I won’t do that to you.”

Kate looked into his eyes, respect and love shining back at him, and then she leaned in for another kiss. And another. In it Castle felt her appreciation for his character, her respect, and her promise of another night. Before he knew it they were falling onto his bed. Castle pulled back and held her at arm’s reach. He saw tears in her eyes.

 “Let me stay, Castle, please? Just for tonight.”

He kissed her forehead as she snuggled close to him. Pulling the covers over them, he whispered, “So long as you come back.”

He felt her smile against his bare skin.


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