the exam, the survey, the bet

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The students of the senior class 3-B frantically busied themselves with cramming formulas in their brains as they are to take a math exam.

Junkyu who was sitting near the window and just behind Jihoon was slouched on his desk peacefully sleeping. Unlike his classmates, he needs the shuteye for him to focus on the exam. Last minute reviews mess with his brain most of the time so he stopped doing that in middle school.

As everyone was busy with their notes, the school bell rang to signal the start of class and their smiling math teacher entered the room with a bundle of paper stuck on his arms. Jihoon shook the sleeping beauty awake and the tall senior grunted as he blinked his eyes awake.

The teacher ordered the students to be silent and started handing the questionnaires. The math teacher paused and shuffled the questionnaire as he reached Junkyu's column.

Jihoon noticed the action but dismissed it, he handed the paper to Junkyu who was still a little bit sleepy and copied his action of taking the questionnaire and passing the rest at his back.

With a yawn, the popular vice president started to focus on his exam. The room was heavily filled with silence as every student had their head dropped on the paper that decides their scores, their future. The higher your score, the better.

As he worked his solutions to the exam, he noticed an extra sheet of paper added to his questionnaire. He eyed the room and saw that everyone was as normal, single-mindedly focused on the paper in their desk and scribbling their answers hoping that it might be correct. The math teacher watched the straight-A student scan the room and asked, "Anything wrong, Junkyu-ssi?"

The student shook his head, "No, nothing". He dropped his attention back to the exam deciding to complete the exam first and worry about suspicious paper later. It took him just a few minutes to complete the exam as the questions were covered by Byounggon's notes that he borrowed. As he had the time, he scanned the extra paper he noticed earlier. He raised his brows questioningly as he read the questions written on it. A slambook? He thought to himself.

What's your favorite color? Blue, he wrote on the answer box. Is this some kind of survey for an event? As part of the student council, he is particularly familiar with giving surprise surveys especially if they are planning for an event.

Where would you like your first date to be? The sea. Junkyu nodded satisfied at his answer. How nice it would be to bask in the sunset while listening to the waves of the sea. He grinned to himself as he imagined the picture.

Anything that you can't eat? Nothing.

What do you miss the most? Flying a kite.

What do you want to do but you can't currently? Visit the amusement park

What is your greatest fear? Heights

Do you have someone you like right now? Junkyu blinked at the last question stunned, his hand stopped moving. A certain curly haired Japanese junior appeared in his mind wearing his trademark confident smirk, eyes bright with mischief.

"Okay, time's up. Pen down, pass the papers to the front" the teacher clapped his hands as he instructed, groans and low shrieks were the students' response as they did as told. Junkyu put his pen down and took the paper passed to him by his classmate seating behind and handed it to the secretary seating in front of him.

Junkyu tapped Jihoon's shoulder after the papers were submitted, in curiosity he inquired "Did you finish all the questions in the survey?"

"Survey?" The secretary turned around and raised his brows, "What survey?"

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