The Dinosaur In My Bedspread

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Oh, the dinosaur in my bedspread is real!

It drank the water in the fishtank,

it chased the cat under my bed,

and then I had to dial.

But it ate the telephone wire,

it broke the ornaments in the wardrobe,

and ate the glass sphere I got for my birthday!

I'm afraid he'll start a fire!

He jumped down my window

on to the flower bed in the backyard,

and ate the cabbage in the patch!

Now he's eating the branches of a willow!

He frightened the people on the pavement,

and ran after them eagerly

with his enormous tongue hanging out!

Now he's eating the food in Little Zament!

He ran into my room,

and lay near the bedspread with sad eyes.

A flash and it disappeared

with a loud noise that went 'BOOM!'

                                                                      By HasiVA

                                                                  1st June 2008

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