EXTRA: Dante

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A wattpad exclusive: this chapter is just an extra for any Five Star Hotel fans. I tried really hard to not make is super necessary to the rest of this book.

But here's a recap of the characters anyway: Skyal and Dante are married, their daughter's name is Alessandra. Sean/Shawn (same person, I changed the spelling) is Dante's best friend, and Jade is Skyla's best friend. Jade and Shawn have a son, Julian. Anthony and Susan (Shawn's parents) own the five star hotel... K, I think I covered it all :)

Also, this is like the fourth time Netflix has asked if I'm still watching and I'm kind of offended...

I was tempted to call Silvio and cancel the whole trip. I wanted to tell him that he was nothing but a liar, a cheater, and a horrible father. I wanted to curse him to the deepest circle of hell where satan himself sits on his big fiery throne... the darkness in Evelyn seemed to have passed on to me.

I decided to take the long way home, afraid of facing Skyla. She told me not to go but like an idiot, I didn't listen to her.

"Are you insane?" She asked me. "Have you forgotten who he is? He tried to kill me, for God sake! You're not actually considering it, are you?"

"I'm not excusing all of the awful things he did. But I haven't spoken to him in years."

"And you don't find it suspicious that he called you out of the blue practically begging you to go to Italy? That wasn't just a friendly phone call to say hello, there's a reason why he wants to see you."

"Obviously." The look on Skyla's face sort of scared me so I quickly apologized. "I'm sorry. Look, I know you don't trust him. I don't trust him either, but I need to know what he wants and he won't tell me over the phone. He wants to talk to me in person." I explained.

"Ugh." She groaned. "Your heart is too big."

"And why is that a bad thing?" I smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

"Because you're too trusting. I get he's your dad and you want to believe that he is a decent person, but I don't. I don't believe that he wants what's best for. He's so selfish and twisted."

"Skyla, I know. I completely agree with you, but this is something I need to do. I need closure."

"Then I'm going with you." My wife was so stubborn.

"No you're not." I laughed.

"Yes I am." She snatched her hand out of mine. "I don't want to sit at home worrying about you and wondering if you're going to come back to me. If it's safe for you then it's safe for me and Alessandra."

"Not in a million years! No. You are not coming."

"If you're going then so are we."

Clearly, she was the man in our marriage. Skyla calls all the shots, and I have to go along with them whether I like it or not.

My own stupidity and need to please my father was what got me into this whole mess.

Of course Evelyn was right. It amazed me how quickly she was able to put all of the pieces together. Enzo Granucci broke one of my father's most sacred rules when he got married. And what made it worse was the fact that he chose to take Matteo's help as opposed to Silvio's.

Normally I wouldn't have minded all of the company, but once I finally made it home all I wanted to do was sleep away my problems. I couldn't though because Jade, Shawn, and Skyla were in the living room finishing up all of our last minute packing while Julian and Alessandra were sitting on the floor throwing around their Legos.

"So how was my father?" Shawn asked as I walked through the door.

"He's fine."

"Well what did he want?"

Once I finally convinced Silvio to let me leave Italy, he sent me to live with Shawn's parents. I was never one hundred percent sure what the connection between Silvio and Anthony was or why he ever agreed to take me in.

All I knew was that Anthony didn't belong to a family. He was nothing more than a rat to whoever's willing to pay him. That's how he made his fortune, and that's how the Five Star Hotel became a place of business for men like Silvio and Enzo.

Shawn had absolutely no idea about it, neither did Susan until Nick Green blew up his secret, by creating a mini army in an effort to defeat Silvio, who he owed a pretty hefty sum of money to.

Of course, after the initial panic we destroyed him, but it tainted my father's name. That initial panic made him appear weak in the eyes of his competitors. Although I hadn't spoken to him in years, I knew that he was desperately trying to fix his reputation.

Anthony and I did not get along, but thanks to Silvio, we were forced to have monthly meetings just to make sure that we were all on the same page.

"Nothing." I answered honestly. "It was just an opportunity to catch up."

I could see them all giving me funny looks, not understanding why I was in such a bad mood.

"Are you okay?" Skyla asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just going to go lay down. I'm kind of tired."

At least an hour went by before Jade and Shawn went home, Alessandra was put to sleep, and Skyla came in to check on me.

"Why are you acting so strange?" She asked, sitting on the bed beside me.

"I ran into Evelyn today." I answered without opening my eyes.

"Evelyn?" I could hear the jealousy in her voice. "Who's Evelyn?"

"Evelyn Granucci. Enzo Granucci's wife. I went to their wedding a few years ago."

"Oh..." She wasn't sure what to say.

"He bought her. He physically paid money for her like she was some kind of object." I had opened my eyes and I could see the shock on her face. "I mentioned our trip to Italy to her."

"A-And what did she say?"

"Silvio sent me to the dogs, hoping I would get eaten alive."

'What are you talking about?"

"Nick was the last straw, Skyla. He ruined my father's reputation, a man who already had nothing, no one. He wants me back. He wants me to be more involved in the family business."

"That's ridiculous. He sent you here so you could get away from it all."

"The Granucci's used to be very close with Silvio. Evelyn knows what she's talking about. He didn't send me here for safety. He wanted me to run back to him, but I didn't, so now he's moving on to plan B."

"Which is...?"

"I guess we'll just have to find out once we go to Italy."

"Dante, I don't want you to-"

"I'm going to Italy, Skyla. And I'm finally ending this little game of ours. He has to know that I'm done. I'm really done."

I tried to edit this chapter, but I'm in bed kind of sick and tired, so I'm sorry if I missed any mistakes.

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