Chapter 28

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I see Clove on the ground.
-Everyone back off! Cashmere says.
-At least she's breathing. Gloss says.
-Clove! I shout. I kneel down beside her. And kiss her forehead gently.
The only thing that's moving is her chest. Up and down.
She fainted.
-Okay class! We'll leave Clove with Cato. You go and continue. Cashmere says.
-Clove, wake up. I say.
She's not moving.
-Wake up! I say. I'm almost about to cry. I'm so f*cking mad at Gale for making Clove fall on purpose, and I'm so f*cking sad seeing Clove on the ground.
I bend over to kiss her lips gently.
-She's not waking up! I say.
-It's okay Cato. She will soon. Just give her some time. Everything will be alright. Gloss says.
-She should probably go home. Cashmere says.
-Yeah But her parents are out of town! I say.
-Oh. Can you maybe take her home with you? I'm sure you can skip school just one day, staying with her. Cashmere says.
-Yeah. I'll take her home. I say.
-Good. I'll tell your teacher principal that you're going home. Gloss says.
I lift her up gently. I'm strong, and she's so small. It's like lifting a baby. She looks even smaller now.
I walk out with her. I carry her the rest of the way home.
My parents are out of town as well.

I walk inside of my house and I carefully lay her down on my black leather couch.
She moves a little.
-Clove, wake up. I say and bend over to kiss her once again on the lips.
Her eyes slowly opens.
-Cato? She breathes out.
-Clove! I say.
-Wh-what happened? She says.
-You fell over Gale's leg, and fainted. I say, stroking her head gently.
-Oh. She says.
-Can you remember what day it is? Anything? I ask.
-Yeah Yeah, I'm alright baby. My head is just a bit blurry. She says.
-I understand. Need anything? Water, ice, anything? I ask.
-Cato, now you're being overprotective. I'm alright as long as you're staying with me. She says and let out a smile.
-Sorry baby. I just want you too feel well. I say.
-Aww my prince.
**buzz buzz**
Clove's mother: I heard that Clove fell. Is she alright?
Cato: Yes, she's alright. I'm taking care of her, no worries Octavia.
Clove's mother: Aww. I'm so glad Clove has you, such a gentleman. By the way, I made brownies. They are in the kitchen. Enjoy.
Cato: Thank you so much!
I walk to the kitchen to get the brownies.
I walk out to the living room with a big plate of them.
-Here you go darling. I say and give them to Clove.
-Aww! My mom made these right? I mean, you can't bake. She says and laughs.
I chuckle.
She eats a brownie and I take one as well.
Then I remember. Prom!
-I'll be right back. I say and walk out to the big hall.
I grab my backpack and take out a little box with a diamond ring inside.
I come back to her. I kneel down.
-Clove Isabelle Kentwell, will you make me the honour and go to prom with me. I say and hold up the ring.

Yeah I have nothing to write...
See ya people :)

District High [Finished]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora