Chapter 6- Like A Normal Sane Person

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I trudged up to the front door of Tommie's apartment, tears rolling down my cheeks. Which I don't understand. I've moved on. Adam loves me. I love Adam. Not Louis. Louis loves Abby and Abby loves him. Louis doesn't love me. As simple as that.

I knock on her door and the door swings open. I'm swept into a pair of arms and I squeeze back, taking comfort. "Ice cream?" She asks.

I chuckle quietly, my face in her long hair, "You sure love that stuff." I say. Tommie pulls away and grins, "I know I do. Which sometimes makes me question how I have a six pack."

I raise an eyebrow, "Six pack? Please. Do show me." I close the door behind me then cross my arms. She shifts her feet and turns around, grabbing something out of her pocket. I furrow my eyebrows together, watching her.


"TA-DA! My amazing six pack! Can't beat that homie!" She lifts up her shirt a little to see her stomach and I burst into laughter. On her flat stomach, she drew a six pack with a sharpie. Good luck getting that off. I walk over to the couch in laughter and see Tommie grinning proudly.

I collapse on the couch and Tommie sits beside me. She wraps an arm around me in a comforting, older sisterly way and I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Tell Tommie what's wrong." She says, patting my head with her free hand. I roll my eyes then feel a pang in my chest.

I gulp, "Um, today, I saw Louis...and Abby and everyone else. It hurt. Abby seems so nice. I noticed Louis look at my arm and I think he noticed I wasn't wearing the promise ring."

She stay silent then says, "How did he react?"

I shrug, "I don't know. Something crossed his face, a look, but he became guarded and I might have been hallucinating. He wasn't right in front of me or anything." I feel her nod her head.

"I'm going to get ice cream." She states then gets off the couch, me falling to my side as the sudden support I was leaning on, left. I get up and follow her to the kitchen.

"Get me some." I say as I hop on a bar stool. She opens the freezer and rummages through, taking out all these assortments of ice cream.

"What do you want? Fudge popsicles, vanilla ice cream, chocolate, mint, sherbet, cookie dough, oreo, rocky road, strawberry----"

"Okay Okay! I get it! Just get me" I say and she nods. I stare at all the ice creams pints she has. She really loves ice cream.

"I've never seen so much ice cream before. I haven't even tried half of them. You could open a shop!" I exclaim.

She widens her eyes and looks up at me, "How do you live?!" She ignores my last comment.

"Like a normal, sane person would." I smirk. She glares at me and shoves my bowl towards me. She starts to make her own bowl, thrusting in the ice cream aggressively, "There you go, you ungrateful, ice cream hater, normal, sane-"

I roll my eyes. She has a short temper and I guess she gets really offended about her ice cream. I start to shovel my ice cream in my mouth as she rants. She finishes ranting after she puts all the ice cream back in the fridge. While the whole ordeal of her ranting, I think things through about today. Once she gets a spoon of ice cream in her mouth, I take this as my chance to speak.

"I thought this was supposed to be my rant?" I ask, taking another bite of my ice cream, halfway done. She looks at me then rolls her eyes, making me laugh. She sits on a bar stool beside me and nodded her head; telling me to continue.

"I realized something strange," I say, bringing up a thought I had earlier, "When Adam said he loved me and then kissed me, it didn't feel the same know ."

How I Got My Life Changed By 1D (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon