Bowhunter Security

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Tumblr Request: "If you are still taking requests maybe Dick x Reader where she works with Will at BowHunter Security? He visits her at work or Dick is helping out again. You probs aren't taking the requests anymore, but I have just gotten on my phone and missed it so why not try just in case ⭐️ if you do take this request Dick and the reader are dating already :) Love your work ❤️"


A deep sigh escaped your lungs while spinning around in the swirly chair at your desk. Will was out on a service call with Jim and Roy, leaving you alone in the office. There hadn't been a single phone call, the only highlight of your day so far was when Artemis stopped by with Lian. You always love seeing Will's gorgeous daughter and she doesn't hesitate to brighten up your day.

But her absence now just made your day feel that much more boring. You were shooting texts back and forth with Dick all day. Most of yours consisting of how boring work is and how lonely you are.

When lunch rolled around, you searched through the office kitchen. Trying to find something to eat since you forgot your lunch this morning. This day just seemed to be trying to eat you alive as it seemed to be getting worse. The fridge and cupboards were bare, Will hadn't restocked in a few days and with Jim and Roy around now, it wasn't a surprise everything was eaten.

Though, like the knight in shining armor he is, a familiar voice came from the front. Peeking your head out the doorway, you found Dick grinning at you. A bag of cheese burgers in his hand.

"Yes!" You groaned and walked over to him. Throwing your arms around his neck. "You are the best boyfriend ever."

Dick laughed as he handed over the bag, watching you shift through it. Pulling out the burger marked with your name on it. "Fries too?? Baaaabe, I love you so much." You popped the crispy fry in your mouth before sitting down at your desk.

Sitting in the chair on the other side of the desk, he pulled out the burger with his name on it and opened the wrapper. He took a bite and groaned, leaning back in the chair. Giggling you took a bite of your own.

"So good" you smiled at him. He nodded back at you before sneaking a fry. "How's the new team doing?"

Dick shrugged, "We're doing okay. They're still young and learning."

"I'm proud of the way you've stepped up. At first, you didn't seem like you wanted anything to do with this."

"In all honesty, I didn't. I was going solo for so long, I didn't want to be responsible for others. After what happened." He stared down at his burger. His eyes didn't meet yours until your hand had slipped across the desk to rest on top of his.

"Dick, that wasn't your fault. Wally knew the sacrifice, and he saved the world."

He squeezed your hand. You slipped it out of his and stood up, walking around the desk to slide into his lap. Your hand cupped his cheek as your other one held the back of his neck. "You, Dick Grayson, are amazing and strong and an a hero. However, you're not invincible. You're still human and you are allowed to feel and grieve. But, despite how hard you try, some things will be out of your control, and that's not your fault. You did everything you could baby." Your thumb stroked his cheek.

Dick sighed and his head tilted to get a better look at you. His hand rubbed your thigh as the other was wrapped around your waist to keep you in place. "I love you."

"I love you too baby." You whispered before leaning down to kiss him softly. Your finger stroking his cheek still, trying to show as much comfort as possible. Pulling away, you pressed your forehead to his.

Dick gazed into your eyes and pecked your lips again quickly, making you smile.


A voice cleared from the doorway. You both looked over to see Will there with the other boys, "We interrupting?"

You quickly got off Dick's lap and Dick stood up to greet Will. "Hey man." Will nodded, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, Dick was just stopping in to visit, brought some lunch for me." You wiped your hands on your jeans before gesturing to the food on the desk. Will nodded and glanced at you both, he could tell by your demeanour that the both of you were having a moment, and he could imagine what about.

"Why don't you take off early [F/n]? It's been a slow day, you guys have some alone time."

"Are you sure?" You took a step toward Will and he smiled before nodding.

"You've been working hard the past couple days. You deserve it, I'll see you in the morning." He gestured to your bag. Grinning, you grabbed your stuff and thanked Will again before heading out with Dick.

Your hand slipped in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. He smiled at you, "That was nice."

Nodding you kissed his hand, "Will has always liked me most." You grinned at him and Dick rolled his eyes before kissing your temple.

"Let's go home, I want you to myself."

"Sounds like heaven to me."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now