Here For You Now

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Tumblr Request: "I was last anon sorry I always skip ahead but for the Drabble prompt #2 and #15 with dick please. Oh and seriously CONGRATS!!!! On 1.4k ❤❤❤"

Prompt 2: "Please don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry"
Prompt 15: "Stop pretending you're okay, cause I know you're not."


It had been a long nine months and then an even longer two weeks after those nine months. When you first told Dick you were pregnant he was ecstatic, that excitement holding out all the way through your pregnancy and up to the birth. You knew it was going to be hard because of his night job, but not this hard.

Dick had been gone the past week on a mission and had patrols in Bludhaven that whole week after you gave birth to your daughter. He tried to cut back on patrols as both Officer Grayson and Nightwing but the city needed him. However, so does his family. You can hardly remember the last time you got a full night sleep. Dick was supposed to get back this upcoming morning which led you to nearly another all nighter.

After an hour of sleep you had woken up again to the sound of the baby babbling in her bassinet. Sighing you pushed the blankets off you and walked to where it stood on the wall to your room. Picking her up you began to bounce her lightly in attempt to lull her back to sleep. Though her whimpers began to make themselves apparent. "Please don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry." Whispering as you walked her around the room. She had already cried two times tonight and it was just 3am. You couldn't take her screaming again.

Luckily she calmed down as you hummed a lullaby. The soothing sound of your humming lulled her to sleep and you were able to lay her down again with an exhausted sigh. Pressing a light kiss to her dark locks that matched her father's before heading to your own bed again. The rest of that night she had a few more episodes of waking up but overall she slept soundly through the rest of the night.

When you woke up in the morning she was already awake and waiting for you, her eyes scanning the ceiling. Pushing some hair out of your face you came into her view. Watching as a toothless smile spread on her fsce, making a light chuckle escape your lips. Picking her up you carried her into the living room, "Come on sweet pea, let's get you some breakfast." Whispering as you carried her in your arms.

In no time you had the bottle warm and were sitting on the couch feeding her. As you sat there the faint sound of jingling keys could be heard. Next you heard the door open and a bag hit the hardwood floor in the hallway. Then rapid footsteps came into the living room. However, you didn't even react. To be honest you weren't happy with Dick, he had left you to raise this baby basically on your own for the past two week. His daughter barely got a glimpse of her father during two weeks right after being born.

He came into the room and went straight to you. "Hello my love" He came to kiss your cheek but you ignored him. His brows furrowed in confusion at your behavior, shaking it off he tried to continue talking to you. "How are my two favorite girls?" He went to see your daughter but you stood up and carried the empty bottle into the kitchen with her safely nestled in your arms. Her eyelids growing heavy.

Dick sighed and followed you. "What's wrong [F/n]?" He asked walking up to you. "Nothing, I'm fine." Answering shortly before pushing by him. "[F/n]!" He yelled after you, but you turned to face him. "I swear Dick if you wake her up I will have your head." Snapping at him as your daughter fell asleep after her bottle. Sighing he stopped talking as you walked into your bedroom, gently laying her down as he stood against the doorway. "Just tell me what the matter is." Saying softly as you just rolled your eyes and pushed by him. "I'm fine Dick."

Before you could get away from him he stopped you by your arm in the living room. "Stop pretending you're okay, cause I know you're not." You yanked your arm from his grip. "Fine! Want to know what's wrong?!" Yelling at him. "You! I had a our daughter two weeks ago and you've barely been here. The most she's seen her father was the day she was born. I know you have responsibilities to this city and Bruce, but you also have them to your family Dick!" The yelling was soon accompanied by the sound of the baby crying in the other room.

Dick stared at you in shock. He didn't want to be gone, but he couldn't just stop being who he was. He watched as your face bury in your hands, "I just need help, you were so excited and now you're barely around. I can't do this alone Dick." He immediately pulled you into his arms. "I'm calling Tim or Jason and they're going to take over my patrols for a few weeks and I'm going to ask for time off at work. I'm so sorry babe, I know I've been gone and I want to make it up to you. To both of you. I never wanted to be away."

Your face buried in his chest, gripping his shirt at the sound of the baby crying. He rubbed your back, "How about you go take a nap and I will take care of her okay?" Mumbling into your hair. Nodding you looked up at him. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before kissing you sweetly. "I'm here for you now."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now