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Tumblr Request: Oooh could I have a Dick Grayson request where the reader doesn't know that he's Nightwing and is in a relationship with Dick? But one night when Nightwing saves the reader and he gets flirty and the reader turns him down for him basically. Sorry if it sounds confusing! Thanks, babe! 💕"

Warning: Attempted sexual assault


Gotham at night was always dangerous, you knew this, of course you knew this you've grown up here. But that doesn't help the fact that you were forced to stay at work late and have to walk home after dark. Wrapping your jacket tighter around yourself as if it would make you disappear.

One of your hands gripped your mace in your pocket as you passed another dark alleyway, waiting for an arm to reach out and grab you. A relieved sigh escaped your lips as you passed it safely. Your hand loosened on the mace while glancing back at the alley, distracting you from the next alley only a few feet in front of you.

Not paying attention an arm pulled you in. The force of the pull made the mace fall from your grip. A scream escaped your lips before a gloved hand covered your mouth. Your eyes were wide as you stared at the stranger in front of you. You whimpered and screamed against his hand, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "Hey hey baby, calm down I ain't gonna hurt you." He cooed as his eyes trailed up and down your body. His hand released your mouth and he stroked your cheek.

"Please let me go. Take my purse just please don't hurt me." You whimpered and the guy only smirked. "I don't want your money baby, I want something sweeter."

You shook your head and struggled against him more. "No! Help! Someone help me!" You screamed as loud as your vocal cords would allow before the man punched you in the face to silence you. He shoved one of his gloves in your mouth before pinning your hands.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you felt his free hand move down to the button of your jeans. You screamed against the glove and tried to struggle away from him. He leaned forward and kissed your face, intentionally catching the tears. Your eyes bolted shut as you felt the button open and him press himself against you, causing you to scream against the glove again.

As soon as the pressure of his body against yours was applied it was removed along with his grip on your wrists, making your knees buckle under you. After wrenching the filthy glove from your mouth, the sound of grunts was heard from a few feet away.

After looking up you saw Nightwing beating the shit out of the man who had attacked you. He was merciless as his knuckles connected with the man's face. "How dare you touch a woman like that!" He growled as he yanked the man up by his collar before punching him again, finally knocking him out. It was strange to see him so violent, people saved by Nightwing normally said he was pretty calm but there was rage there this time.

You witnessed as he stood from being on top of the guy and came over to you. "Are you alright miss?" he kneeled down in front of you. Hesitantly you nodded and wiped your cheeks, "I-I think so..." He reached out gently and wiped the tears from your cheeks. "Let's get you out of this alley" He said before picking you up carefully and grappling up to a nearby rooftop. It was definitely easier to breathe up here.

Nightwing helped you sit down, "Are you doing okay?" He asked again and you nodded quietly. "As okay as I can be."

He sat down beside you, "Can I get you anything? Some water? Anything?" You smiled at his kindness before looking at him. "You're just gonna waltz in a store in your suit?" Asking in an amused tone. He chuckled, "anything for someone as beautiful as you." You blushed and rubbed your neck. "Um thank you."

"You don't want anything?" He smiled, "Not even a date with a vigilante?" This time he winked.

Your blush deepened and eyes widened. "I um... I appreciate the offer but I have a boyfriend. His name's Dick and, well, I love him." Nightwing couldn't help but grin. "Sounds like a lucky guy."

You giggled, "Yeah he is." Feeling a little better after thinking about Dick.

Nightwing chuckled beside you and stood up. "Well I don't think he would mind if I helped you get home safe." You nodded, "Thank you Nightwing." He smiled and picked you up to shoot his grappling hook, giving him directions to your building where he set you down at the door to your apartment complex and took a step back.

"Thank you again, for saving me." You pulled your jacket closer as the wind wisped around you. He smiled and nodded, "Just doing my job. Goodnight [F/n]." He said before shooting his grappling hook and taking off.

Your brows scrunched as you watched him swing away. You never told him your name. Shrugging it off, assuming you had told him and just forgotten, you pulled out your phone to call Dick, he picked up after only a few rings. "Hey babe" His tone was chipper as usual.

"Hey baby, you're never going to believe what just happened." You spoke into the phone as you entered the building.

Across the street Nightwing stood behind a brick wall watching you walk inside with a phone pressed to his ear. "Try me."

Dick Grayson (Nightwing) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now