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Hello everyone! I got a new story for you guys and I hope you enjoy!!!

Liam heard it, although subtle, he still heard it.

It was the cries of something or someone perhaps. He didn't know why he turned around but he did.

He was on his way home from work but decided to walk down to a coffee shop beforehand because he knew fully well his work was never done. Even when he left his office at his job, he had one at home waiting for him.

He knew he'd need the extra kick of energy that only his beloved coffee could provide. But something else caught his attention or someone.

The sounds of cries could be heard coming from a short opening between the coffee shop and the building next door. It wasn't quite an alleyway since the opening was so small it would take a very slim person who sucked in their gut to even slip through.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he walked towards the cries, stopping at the space between the two buildings, the cries increasing in volume.

" hello...? ". He whispered, peering into the small space and looking around.

He heard a sniffle and a whimper, a shadow vaguely moving as shallow breaths were taken by whoever seemed to be in the small opening.

He tried his best to get a better view, even trying to squeeze through a little bit himself into the small opening.

" Hi...". A small voice whimpered, stopping him in his actions quickly.

Liam looked down in the small opening, all the way in the back was a child. A very small one at that.

" well hello, little one. What are you doing all the way back there? It's not very safe...". Liam asked, his tone softening as he realized he was dealing with a child.

" dunno ". The small child mumbled, holding what appeared to be a stuffed animal close to his chest.

Liam could see that the boy was nervous and scared. He wanted to coax the boy out but had to do it in a gentle manner in order to keep the kid from running off.

" what do you have there, little one? Is that your stuffie? ". Liam asked, squatting down to make himself less intimidating.

The small boy nodded and brought the stuffie out in front of him a bit, twirling the tail with his other hand.

" m'huh, he's a kitty ". The boy smiled, hugging the dirty toy to his face.

" oh really! ". Liam said, fake excitement lacing his voice Making the child giggle.

" does he have a name? ". Liam asked, smiling at the boys adorable giggle.

" m'yeah, his name is mr. picky picky ". The boy said, looking at the animal admirably.

" that's a very neat name...". Liam trailed off, trying to think of a way to coax the small boy out.

" hmm, Mr. picky picky looks a bit dirty, yeah? Why don't you come out of there and we can see what we can do about you two dirty boys". Liam tried, gesturing for the boy to come out.

" m'dunno, Mr. picky picky doesn't like baths". The boy mumbled, moving backwards a bit and curling into himself fearfully.

" but baths are so much fun! Why wouldn't
mr. picky picky like baths, hmm? ". Liam asked, scooting back away from the opening to provide space so the boy didn't feel uncomfortable.

" cause he's a cat and cats don't like baths ". The boy pouted, playing with his bottom lip as he stared at the ground.

Liam mentally facepalmed himself and quickly thought of a different approach.

" well...I bet he's hungry, yeah? ". Liam asked, smiling as the boy nodded cutely. His curly hair bouncing up and down.

" m'huh, I haven't been able to give him much food...". The boy mumbled, looking down at the small plush toy and rubbing its head softly.

Liam felt guilty all of a sudden, thinking about the boy trying to split such a small amount of food between himself and his toy was heartbreaking.

" well don't worry about that, love. How about I get some food for you and mr. picky picky? You can eat till your tummy's are filled ". Liam emphasized, holding his hands out in front of his stomach to show the gut the small boy may have if he ate that much.

The small boy giggled and crawled up to the crack of the alleyway, squeezing himself through and falling into Liam's arms.

He giggled as he stood himself up on wobbly feet, holding his stuffed animal close to his chest.

Liam stood as well, a little bit surprised at the boys height. He could of swore he was talking to a five year old or something. The boy was short but not enough for the age Liam had thought he was.

He watched the boys wondering eyes, how he placed his fingers in his mouth and hugged onto his stuffie for dear life.

Liam cooed and smiled gently, realizing the situation.

" you're a little aren't you sweetie? ". He asked, moving the boys hair out of his face.

The boy just nodded weakly, two fingers hanging from his lips.

" I think you better come home with me". Liam smiled, guiding the little with his hand down the street.

He wasn't going to take this little home with him, but he definitely knew someone who would take the poor boy with open arms.

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