A Promise

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Steve holds the door for you all to enter as a female voice comes from the kitchen, "Welcome home boys!" She appears as she had walked to the doorframe where the dining and living room meet. Ms. Mojang, Steve and Herobrine's mother, looked in her 40s, her peppered hair pulled back in a braid and a smile always adorning her face. You had known her since you were young as the memories of her bringing goodies to your home or letting you come over to play with Steve continuously lived in your mind. Once she saw the entire group her smile grew as she proceeded to walk up to the group and hug you all. It is when she begins to say "Well look at you boys! The both of you bringing your girlfriends home!" You and Alex's face blushing at the comment denying it. It's seemed the comment got to Steve but Herobrine looked indifferent. When it was the boys turn to get their hugs, she jerked their heads down to her level and proceeds to furiously kiss them on the forehead. Even Herobrine wasn't completely safe from his mother as he was the first she grabbed. He didn't fight it, but sighed in embarrassment. If his cheeks weren't red before now they are. After Steve had his fair share of embarrassment, she proceeded to say, "Sorry girls, you know I'm just teasing you. Although I wouldn't mind having you as daughter-in-laws." You and Alex both chuckled at the comment. Both of you knowing how much Alex wanted that reality. Steve then speaks, "We need the First Aid Kit to clean up Alex's wounds. That's why she's here and Y/n tagged along." He made his way to the garage door on the right and disappeared. Assumingely to get the supplies needed to treat her wounds. Mrs. Mojang asked Alex politely, "Can I take a look dear?" Alex nods and shows her hands which had a few minor scrapes but she did have blood coming from one major scratch. "It was because I managed to trip and fall from the stairs outside the school." Alex said as the examination was done. "Oh no, I hope you feel better. I'm glad it was only a few scrapes." Mrs. Mojang said as she proceeded to bring you three to the dining room where the scent of the kitchen is more predominant. "I was in the middle of preparing the family dinner. Would you two like to stay for that?" She asks as she goes back to adding ingredients to a bowl. Herobrine spoke up, "Mom I don't think they want to stay that long." His tone sounded indifferent and bored. You looked over at Alex when she decided to speak up, "Oh it's not a bother at all! I hope you didn't get the wrong idea Herobrine..." She made an indirect jab at him for even trying to make you both leave by suggesting you didn't want to be there. You agree with Alex, "Yeah, I don't mind besides I already messaged my father about it." Mrs. Mojang face lights up. "Oh how is your family y/n?" Before the chance to answer comes Steve walks in with the first aid kit and proceeds to say, "WOW, we need to clean more often. I think I killed a few too many spiders for this." A collective chuckle was heard from everyone minus Herobrine who didn't care for anything said. Steve sat down and just as he promised Alex he cleaned and covered her wounds. Mrs. Mojang excused herself to grab something from upstairs and Herobrine told Steve to let him know when dinner was ready. He dissipated of to what you can only assume was his room. Alex and Steve made light conversation throughout the bandaging leaving you bearing witness to the way Alex reacted to his touches and small smiles. You decide to simply get on you phone and enough time passes and you are all once gathered in the dining room. Herobrine comes back in assumingely his causal clothing which was a T-shirt and sweatpants. A look which you thought he looked quite good in as it accentuated his form. What am I even talking about? You brush off the thought of you even commenting internally about his clothes as Mrs Mojang proudly brings out her 'signature dish': meatball casserole
( If you don't like it, pretend it's something else ) Your stomach rumbles as the intoxicating smell lingers in the air. You all dig into the wonderful dinner prepared for you. Alex during the dinner asked about Mr.Mojang who hadn't arrived home yet. Mrs. Mojang replied to her, "He went on a business trip for 2 weeks, If I remember correctly to a city in the Windswept Hills." The dinner continues on with light conversation and ended with plates licked clean of food. Mrs Mojang got up to leave upstairs and reminded Steve that it was his turn to rinse the dishes and stick them in the dishwasher. She was about to step out of the dinning room when she quickly said, "Oh Alex honey, could you help the poor boy out. The last time he did this he just chucked the dishes in there and I need a responsible young lady to make sure that doesn't happen again." After which comment she left. Steve's face has a bit more pink to it than usual as he commented to Alex who was also blushing, "Could you help me?" Not denying his mother's words seemed to show the truth to his carelessness with said dishes. "Of course let's do so now." Alex said grabbing her plate and placing it in the sink. Everyone takes plate, doing the same action to help speed the cleaning process faster. With nothing left for you to do and the only other person leaving for their room you chilled in the kitchen listening to the banter between Steve and Alex. Steve tried adding you into the conversation when he can and then asked a favor from you. "Hey Y/n, do you mind on handing that packet to Herobrine? It's paperwork from his last school. His room is in the basement. It's the door under the stairs." You agreed, grabbed said packet and made your way to the door.

You gave it a tap and heard his voice from behind "What?" "Hey, umm it's me." You say. A pause then, "Whose me?" You speak up, "It's Y/N, I have a package for you." Another pause, "Leave it at the door." You make one more attempt, "I also need to talk to you about scheduling a time and place for me to tutor you." You hear a heavy sigh come from behind the door and then the final pause. "Alright the door is open but make it quick." You take the invite and open the door as you are greeted with the smell of smoke. You cover your nose as the smell is quite awfully strong. It was the smoke that comes from cigarettes and it hung in the air. The smell flashed back memories and reminders of the way your mother smoked heavily. Her terrible drunken stupors, cigarette burns, and the bruising. Your eyes watered a bit as you see Herobrine smoking a cigarette. The basement window was slightly ajar to air out the room but you assumed the reason the room still reeked had come from previous smoke sessions.  "Yeah?" He asks you to speak. "Well, I wanted to give you this and know what times work best for tutoring you afterschool in the subjects you need?" You say handing over the packet. He takes it and chucks it to the corner without hesitation. The action of which surprised you, as he plopped himself onto the bed. He spewed a puff of smoke as he emptied the ashes into the tray. "Tuesday through Thursday should work for me and I'm being generous with that time." He says as he puffs out a grey cloud. You made a mental note of what he said and stood in the room feeling a bit awkward. You decided to walk near him where he was sitting on the bed. Trying to break the ice a bit more you begin to speak, "You know Principal Zion asked me specifically to be in charge of you." Herobrine looked at you and shrugged, "I don't care if Notch himself assigned you to me. I'm not doing this because I care about my school life."  He paused as if he was choosing his next words carefully. "I just don't want to disappoint her again." You weren't sure what to say. He seemed gloomy about it all as if it was almost all he had left. An assumption to make as you didn't really know Herobrine well enough but until then his reactions were all you had to base your opinion of him on. You gave him an empathetic look. "She did it because I was in a similar situation as you were. I... didn't really get along with others but I had help from Alex and Steve. They were there for me. I think you need someone to be there for you." You decided not to mention that it wasn't a volunteer position but a job you took. It was a detail that you believed he didn't need to know. He gave you a glare before forcing himself to relax. "So you're telling me that 'the power of friendship' will save me? It's a nice suggestion, heartfelt really but I'll decide who I want close and no one is going to force that on me." You begin to say, "Nothing is being forced on you, I just want to help." You give him a small, soft, genuine smile. Trying to show that there was no malicious or manipulative intent. He scowled saying, "Fine. Do whatever you want I don't care anyways."

You moved closer to him and right in his face. He looks at you confused but his expression quickly changed to flustered. You feel your face get a little hot as you realized what you were about to do. You managed to hold his gaze and quickly snatched the lit cigarette from his mouth. "Wh-what are you doing?" Herobrine says clearly upset as he stands up, grabbing the hand that held the cigarette. He pivoted around so that you were blocked from running off. You look at him dead in the eyes as you activated your power and burn the cigarette to a crisp. The ashes were too consumed by the flame. He stood flabbergasted, either by the use of your powers or the burning of his cigarette you couldn't tell which. He finally speaks up, "What the hell!? Where do you get off from doing that?" His releases you beyond piss. He scoffs, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pack. You sigh "You said I could do whatever I wanted. So I'm wanting you to quit smoking when I'm in here at least." His glare was the same as he placed back both the lighter and cigarette into his pocket. He huffs and looks away from you refusing to make eye contact. His eyes appeared to be glowing. A silence hung in the room for sometime as Herobrine refused to initiate conversation again. Finally, he begins to say, "I'll try to be considerate but don't ever try that shit again thinking you won't get smacked." You shake your head, hoping that was an empty threat. You believe he had the right to be upset as you did burn what was his but the smoke and smell was starting to get to you. " I apologize, I shouldn't have done that it's just that it's really bothering me. Right now."You say as you tried breathing shallow breaths. He rolled his eyes, "You should probably get out now it's getting late." His anger seemed to have dissipated at least for a moment as you began to make your way up the stairs and to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." You say leaving the basement as he simply replies with a grunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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