Tension with You

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You headed for the next class with Herobrine trudging behind you. Making sure to keep distance in between the both of you. It seemed that he was still not thrilled with the idea of having a glorified babysitter with him in every class. The clacking of shoes and chatter in the hallway was interrupted by a voice exclaiming, "Herobrine you have some explaining to do!" It was Steve who you saw walking toward your direction. "What do I have to explain to you exactly?" Herobrine growled and turned to glare at Steve who just stepped right up to him. " The situation you got yourself in is what you need to explain! If he found out-" Steve's sentence was cut short by Herobrine, "He won't...Unless you wanna snitch on me again. Is that what you wanted to do with that information?" The air was extremely tense as the brothers stood there arguing and glaring at each other. Heads started to turn to see where the commotion was coming from. Trying to diffuse the situation you walk over and step in between them, to create a physical distance. "Ok. Both of you, calm down. No one is telling anyone anything. If you want to talk rationally do it in private but right now you sound like geese with the way you're squawking." As you say this it seemed to have snapped a bit of sense into them. "Whatever you say princess." Herobrine scoffed in annoyance as he walked away. Steve turned to look at you and began, " My bad, Y/n I shouldn't have been too hard, I can't seem to worry without getting upset." "Well I may not understand what you are feeling right now but it's probably better for you to talk to him calmly and in private next time." You say as the bystanders witnessing the argument have started to dissipate. He gives you a relieved yet awkward smile. "Thanks Y/n I somehow end up owing you again." You both share simple good byes as he starts making his way to Nature class. You begin making your way to class thinking if you were going to beat the bell. Your mind begins to estimate the time of that interaction and turning the corner you are surprised to se Herobrine leaning against the wall. He looks at you turn the corner and sees that he startled you just a bit. "You didn't need to butt in." The sternness of his voice conveyed another sentiment and it was one of annoyance. "Well, your business is mine when your future of passing to next year. This also includes demerits you get for fights or other instances. So it's best to avoid them all together princess ." You tell him this as you had gotten over the initial shock of seeing him there. As you  again continue to walk to class the tardy bell rang. You hear him chuckle behind you, "Touché, now where's the fun in all of the rule following Princess?" You glance at him in annoyance at the use of that nickname again. "And here I thought you knew my name." You retorted back as you made it near the front of the class door. "It wasn't princess? Cause you're acting like one." Even if you barely know the guy you can't help but feel he had said that with a smirk on his face. You smile back as nicely as you can trying to hide any murderous intent you have towards him before the both of you enter your next class in Trading.


The last 2 classes went by so fast it was unbelievable how almost 2 hours could go by quickly. You grab a school bought lunch and headed to your now usual spot. An open table outside in the pavilion garden of the school. Herobrine had disappeared as soon as class had ended and you prayed that he didn't do anything else to get himself in trouble. You couldn't be on his case the whole school day so it would make sense for him to want a bit of space. It was what he could do with that space that worried you. Trying to find Alex when you see she was already there waiting with her own home lunch. "Y/n! " She exclaimed as she waved at you." Hey Alex!" You gleefully replied back as you notice her gaze changed quickly as she was now glaring at something your direction. Her quick change of emotions triggered you to look back to see what she was glaring at. Herobrine was walking behind you holding a can of some type of energy drink. As you sit next to Alex he too plops himself at the table. Alex looks at him as if he had dropped down from the sky. He gives her a puzzled look as he pops the can open and sips from it. "You know," he begins to say taking sips in between, "This drink isn't as crap as they say." A burp escaped his mouth causing to Alex to finally ask, "What is he doing here?" You responded simply, " I was assigned to be his tutor for the year but I didn't think he would follow me here." She didn't seem to understand as to why Notch would punish you like that. "So.... You weren't forced into this?" You nodded, "It is my job to do this besides I get paid for it." "Aww and here I thought princess was doing it here from the kindness of her heart!" Herobrine said in a mocking tone as he looked over to you both. You sighed, " I'm more surprised you followed me." Herobrine looks up from his phone "Well yeah, I figured if I didn't you would write me up or something." He smiled at you cockily as you shook your head in disagreement. The two of you were engrossed in the conversation that it wasn't until he sat down that you both noticed Steve. Alex of course seeing him before was already a bit fidgety.
Steve wasted no time in questioning his brother, " Ok, what happened to get you in trouble on your first day at this school?" Herobrine's expression changed again to that of annoyance, " I was blamed for something I didn't do, by some broad. She acted like someone pissed on her." Herobrine replied clearly bothered. " He's talking about Diamond." Alex butts in saying as she stops eating to do so. "Whatever," he says brushing off Alex and her comment, "thing is I didn't do it." Steve sighs, looking at Herobrine and says, "Yeah people know how she can be and I have no reason not to trust you. I just worried about it as you know what would happen if you get kicked out of here too." Herobrine glared at Steve clearly not acknowledging his worriment. "I don't need you to bring that up or worry about me. You should have done that before." And with that Herobrine got up and left the table. Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head mumbling, "Why does he always have to mention that?" Alex and you both saw how upset it made Steve. Alex huffed saying, "Whatever the guy is a jerk! You were just checking up on him. I feel bad for his family who deals with his type of behavior." You glanced at Steve who clearly didn't have time to explain the situation to Alex. "Um Alex, I am his family. He's my older brother." Steve muttered embarrassed that he didn't inform her. Her mouth dropped, "I didn't know! I mean I can see the similarities but uhh ohhh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say something so mean." She said looking like she was ready to die of embarrassment. You all chuckled at the situation. It felt good to destress with them as you three continued to talk about the mundane things in life. Once lunch was finished, You picked up your plate and cleaned your area. You split ways as you and Alex have Building and Steve who had Physical Education.

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