Snarky Ways

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//::// P/n = pet name //:://
"Herobrine should be in this class." You say to yourself as you reach your 3rd period class which was Crafting. As you're about to open the door you hear a chuckle coming from behind. " You know you sound insane when you talk to yourself Y/n." Your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Whipping around to see where you've heard that voice before. What meets you is a pair of white eyes. Herobrine was the one who addressed you. "How much did you hear?" You reply trying to make the best out of an awkward situation. He flashes what can only be interpreted as a mischievous smile as he answers, "Oh well, just enough to know your Y/n, you have to to feed 'P/n' and you were looking for me." "Yeah and it seems that I've found you!" You retort sarcastically back as he starts to chuckle taking you back a bit. Especially since you didn't think he would be in a mood to find anything funny. " Honestly? It's not that hard to find someone like me." He states as he points to his white eyes and begins to hover as he attempts to show off. He radiated an energy that was foreign to you but it was something that sparked a bit of fascination in you. "So you got a few magic tricks up your sleeves, and?" You say trying to hide your actual fascination with his abilities. "Ooh you can be witty huh? I always liked girls with some spunk, they are always more interesting." He says finally grounding himself. He stands over you, although tall he does not tower over you. Instead he keeps a good distance and looks you in the eyes. Something, perhaps the banter has caused him to talk to you and take you seriously. "Well this was nice but it seems that I have to get going into that class there so if you excuse me." He says as he tries to get past you to open the door but you step in between him and his destination. With a smile you being to tell him, " Well now that we got pleasantries out of the way this is the part where I tell you that I am gonna be your tutor." He gives you a puzzled look, "Uh huh... and why would I need a tutor at a school I barely started at?" Giving you a stare that showed the little annoyance he had with what you just told him. You remember the cover story that Principal Zion gave you, "Because your previous school had to share the grades you had received for the years you attended." His expression changed to a scowl as he looked away and cursed "Damn it, I didn't know that would be shared here." As he says this you pull up a compiled file that the principal gave you over his attendance, grades and information she thought you may need to deal with him. " Yup it is all right here, but anyways Principal Zion fitted your schedule to mine so we'll both have similar classes. That way I can be able to tutor you more efficiently" Although it was a cover, there was some truth to it all. His grades were trash and if he didn't shape up he could end up falling a year behind. A sigh escaped his lips as he clearly was annoyed that he was basically being put on a leash. He finally responded as he rolled his eyes. "Fine whatever, if that's what it takes for this crummy school to think they are helping me then sure." You flash him a smile trying to lighten the mood, " That's the spirit now let's get going to class." He groans in response as you open the door leading him into class marking the beginning of the tutor program with Herobrine.

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