Chapter 2: Saved

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(Here is another short chapter for ya'll, enjoy!)

Tessa's breath was getting lighter and lighter, slowly falling into a deep sleep. Water was choking down her throat, so much that she accepted it all into her body. She felt light, like she was floating through the air on a couple of clouds, and then there he was. Half of his body was a handsome male that anybody could fall for, but the other half, was a fish? The tail he had was a bright red, glowing set of scales. It was truly a beautiful sight to see, something only seen in fairy tales. If he could be with her in the afterlife, she wouldn't mind dying right here right now, the struggle was now over for her. Her greatest fear, drowning, came to life. That was until she felt too much pressure on her chest, too much. Her throat was finally cleared as she coughed and gasped up all the water, sitting up as fast as she could and opened her eyes to a dark and cold place. The cave she went into. Tessa didn't want to believe that what she saw was real, but it might have been. She was shivering, completely wet and tired until she felt a jacket and a pair of arms wrapping against her to warm her up. Although the arms felt nice, she didn't know who this was or how this person found her.

"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes shooting up towards the man's. Tessa was shocked when she saw him, a handsome, nice looking face with bright white teeth. His arms were definitely attractive... She was confused on what really happened here and how the man found her like this. How long was she out? Was she dead and in heaven right now?

"My name is Sebastian, I was going on a walk and I heard someone talking in here, then I heard a splash so I was wondering if you were alright. I saw you upside down in the water! Did you do this to yourself?" He asked her. She didn't seem like someone to do this to herself, but you never know with people. She was just a stranger after all.

"No, not at all... I saw something and-and then I couldn't breathe." Her voice was trembling and couldn't get much else out.

"What did you see?"

"I saw-," She thought it through, he would think she was crazy if she said she saw a man that was half fish trying to seduce then drown her. "I saw a really big spider, and I hate them so much... then I slipped and fell," She explained. It was definitely a good excuse but what she didn't know, was that he heard her say something about a tail, but he didn't want to question her too much after she went through such a thing.

"Alright, I get it, I hate spiders too. Maybe if I would've met you earlier I could've saved you." He said with a playful wink. "Now, how about I take you to the hospital?" He asked her, pulling them both up and taking her out of the cave. He asked himself if he really should've been flirting with her but he didn't care all that much. She went through a hard time, so maybe being funny with her would help! She was also clearly beautiful so he couldn't help himself.

"No, I'll be fine, I think I'll just drink some water and rest up," she shook her head. Her mom would be too worried and wouldn't let her out of the house ever again, even though she's an adult. Even though Sebastian literally saved her life, she didn't feel like riding in a car with him, just in case he was going to kill her himself.

"Oh, are you sure? You could be badly hurt, I mean you almost died."

"No, It's really alright, If I get worse I can go there. I'm really fine for now." She insisted. They walked along the shore until they got back to where his party was, his friend was sitting with the girls from earlier and the fire was dying down. "Well, this is where I am, would you like a ride home at least?"

"Oh no, you've done so much for me already! I only live about two minutes away anyway." She suddenly remembered her phone, and panicked trying to find it. "Did you see my phone anywhere?" She asked Sebastian.

"Ah, I picked it up before we left the cave, here you go." Before he gave it back he took a good look at it. "But first, I'm going to need your number, I saved your life and your phone today. I would also like to know how you're doing so you kind of owe it to me." He said with a cute smile.

"I guess... go ahead and put your number in there, my name is Tessa by the way, you haven't asked me yet," she sighed. She was going to owe him something for doing such a great thing for her. He smiled up at her

"That is a very beautiful name, Tessa. There we go," he said, giving her phone right back to her.

"Thank you for everything, I just moved here so I'll be getting a job soon and I can pay you back whatever you would like, really. I just could've died if not for you. Thank you so much." She said fast, which also made her realise how lucky she was because of him.

"It's all fine, I'm glad I could help. I might be thinking of something else soon though, I'm not a fan of people just giving me money. I won't do anything bad to you, so don't worry about that."

"Alright, I'll be watching out for a call, or message." Tessa told him as she was walking away slowly to her house. Her heart was beating fast from the encounter, even though everything else happened, she was excited to get a phone number from a guy, the first day she got here too.

"I'll make sure to see you soon beautiful!" He exclaimed, turning around to his friends. Tessa walked back to her house, the lights were all turned off so she walked in slowly up to her room. She walked around the boxes and into her bathroom to wash off and change into dry clothes. As she was taking off her shirt, she noticed something weird on her hip. It looked like a light tattoo in some sort of weird symbol. She never had a tattoo, so something was really off. She looked closer to it and touched it slowly, following the odd design from top to bottom. It was a light red color, not too big and not too small. She picked up a towel and tried to wash it off but it wouldn't even budge.

She touched it one more time in confusion and suddenly, memories of the man came flooding into her memory and she got a weird feeling in her stomach. Tessa had a sudden need to be near him and have him touch her in every way possible. The way he touched her in the water was the best feeling in the world, wanting to be taken in by him and become his. No man had ever touched her in the ways he did, but even if she was touched before, he would've been the best. It was like he had some magical powers that made her fall for his everything. A small knock on the door woke her up and she stopped touching the mark on her hip.

"Who's there?" She asked.

"It's Hazel, are you okay?" Her voice was quiet and it was clear that she was tired and probably woke up from her sleep.

"I'm fine honey, I'm going to take a shower and head off to bed. Don't worry about me."

"Okay, I'm going back to bed, I love you."

"I love you too Haze," She smiled to herself. If he didn't save her, she wouldn't have been able to see her family ever again. The darkness filled her head, she fell for a creature that tried to kill her. He was beautiful, stunning actually. The way his blue eyes shone in the dark of the night and the way his skin was so soft and warm. Tessa felt a warm sensation in the pit of her stomach, spreading down past her legs. Why did he make her feel this way? Why was she crazy enough to think a human could have a tail like that? She laughed at herself for thinking such a thing and shook her head at the thought of him trying to kill her. She thought that maybe he accidently made her hit her head or something, or maybe she was just going crazy and nothing even happened. Yeah! That's it, nothing happened except slipping into the water because of a scare from the spider! She finished taking off the rest of her wet clothes and hopped into the shower. The hot water felt like heaven on her skin, she could smell the salt water fill the air as it got washed away. Tomorrow, there will be no merman nonsense, just trying to make some friends. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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