Prologue/Special Thanks

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Before I say anything, please read the prologue! You can skip my little dillydallying words right here, but please go to the prologue if you do! Thanks!

Hello everyone, my name is Cassie and I would love to thank everyone that have been there on my writing journey. I joined this site around 2013 and have grown a lot since then, (You probably wouldn't like to see all of my old works though) especially with everything I have loved and went through in the past. Old obsessions with boy bands and weird web comics, those always seem to bring back some war flashbacks. Anyway, I'm sure I'll look back on this story in disgust like I do with all of my other stories but here we go! What you all have been waiting for, the prologue. 

Also, this story is going to have sexual content, so 18+ ya'll. Kiddos need to get out, sorry. I hope you all enjoy this story because I really enjoy writing it!

  The sound was loud, a sound to sting the best of ears. The kids were crying as the fight led on, a teenager holding them as they sobbed, and she sobbed right along with them with no hesitation. This went on for multiple times a month, every night. He came home drunk and she expected him not to hurt her like he always did, she hoped for the love to show in his eyes and maybe, just maybe he would walk into the door and grab her. Not in a bad way, but maybe he could hold her in his arms and give her kisses like he used to do. She was stuck in a hole and couldn't dig her way out... her babies were all upstairs trying to sleep, no doubt losing at that hope too. A phone was nowhere in her sight, so she was stuck there in pain, praying not to die. The wall had a giant hole from him throwing her, she wasn't sure why he was so mad in the first place, he was being very nice to her for the past week, even trying to take the kids out to ice cream and fast food restaurants. Before she knew it, she felt a sharp pain in her face from a giant fist hitting her. It was constant and blood was splattering everywhere, she could barely see and at that point, she forgot about everything and wished that she could just die right then and there. "Tessa, take care of them for me," she whispered, as her sight was barely in reach. The hands were now on her neck and she could barely breathe. "That sad excuse for a daughter can't help you and you know that!" He growled. She almost breathed her last breathe when she saw bright lights flashing through the windows, and he was gone.  

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